the voice of raisins

Dog, I am A.I. God!

Hair up. No, hair down. Glasses off. Glasses off, hair up.

You want me to read Star Wars? But it's already a movie!

*backs away slowly, whistling*

Max Hugendong
Jack Mehoff
Admiral deNutz

Octo Johnson

A "motion pictures" major? I am so sorry to hear about your future unemployment.

Right answer.


Oh yeah? What kind of batteries they use out there?

Probably not. Colorado is generally considered one of the more relaxed states, not one of the states whose people are prepared to pelt you with batteries at a moment's notice.

Buzz off, LaBeef. Donald Trump has already shown that he is a better and more consequential performance artist than you can ever hope to be.

But a bad yam may dab a tub.

Hey. You alright there, guy?


I am not opposed to the AV Club having pop-culture oriented comics, but a pop-culture oriented comic can be more than a half-assed snippet of conversation about pop culture that doesn't seem to have any purpose or go anywhere. If you really can't figure out why many of the people here are confused by this strip, then

I will freely admit to not getting the punchline here, so I'm not saying this week's strip isn't funny, but in the past few weeks, humor hasn't seemed to be the point of the strip. In any case, the existence of a work of art should not be inexplicable. At the very least, the artist should be able to explain why he

That is a fascinating take on the verbal exchange of information, but I would like to point out that while I have no problem with the representations of the characters in this comic strip, a conversation that goes somewhere is, perhaps, less far-fetched than a cheetah and a fox wearing clothing and cracking wise about

And the loud minority? The small children.

People, especially children, are idiots.