the voice of raisins

In terms of the illustration, I think it's fine, but nothing special, and I can respect that there is some specificity to the way they speak. But the content of their conversations seems to not really be going anywhere, or have any purpose other than being pop-culture related.

It doesn't bother me that it isn't funny. It bothers me that nobody can explain why it is good. Or even why it is.

We don't have "room conjugates" on this planet, Maria. You landed in the wrong solar system.

Last week, the cheetah definitely had boobs, but the fox's use of the word "man" to address it twice this week has led me to believe that they are both male, but the cheetah has gynecomastia.

That's high praise.

The friend I'm mooching Netflix off of goofed up her payment somehow, so I can't finish the Ken Burns doc I was watching.

Well, you can't see them in the last five frames. So, maybe?

All of this bothers me on a very, very deep level. What bothers me most, however, is their use of the word "queer" as something one can be "under the influence of."

I'm digging the trumpet stuff

CBS, please leave all of these people on the island.

Not being someone who enjoys most of her stuff, this was really pretty, and I would like to hear more like it in the future out of her.

He also spent a not insignificant portion of his life living with a broken bottle of hot sauce on his floor if I am correctly remembering one of his Conan appearances. .

Didn't he also say something along the lines of "nobody should really care what I have to say about politics?"

Guys, just hire Jay, already!

That first cover is especially awesome.


All of the above.

I'm so glad this happened when John Oliver was hosting the Daily Show, he was perfect for that gag.

I couldn't figure out whether it was the instrument or the fish. If it's the fish, I hope it wasn't a smallmouth, those fuckers have spiked fins.

Oh, haha. woops.