the voice of raisins

Maybe, I don't watch Archer because I can't stand the animation. If they did, they were probably making fun of NCIS.

The Captain is always working on that wooden spaceship of his in his quarters, but how will he get it out?


We'd get free shipping!

First: it isn't anymore, though.
Second: simply listening to music creates a relationship between the maker and consumer.
Third: I assume there is some sort of process to submit music for consideration that would weed out most of these groups.

On a technicality, the best kind of wrong.

Counterpoint: The Country Music Awards, Kid's Choice Awards, Teen Choice Awards, Peoples' Choice Awards, The Razzies by definition.

ü jüst neëd thë ålt bütton, brø.

People in their late teens-mid-twenties who refuse to accept that they are supposed to be acting like real people now.

Not to be confused with the SS Waffle the nautically themed breakfast place across the street.

Of course he is, Wolf Blitzer shares a brain with his beard.

Something something Caress of Steel.

Well, this is the pits. Thanks very much for sharing. I never knew her name until just now, but will definitely miss her wit and wisdom.

You know, some say Ukk-A'ak was the greatest cave-man rocker, but I prefer Glog. That dude was a real innovator. Fire Make Meat. Meat Gud. kills me every time.

Who the hell are you to judge cave-men's musical tastes?

It is also an accurate description of my geological preferences.

I was saying Boo-urns.

I regret that I have but one downvote to give to this comment.

I thought Cap was George Bluth, what with his affinity for light treason.

I like the way they think.