the voice of raisins

Something with a story or gag (although many comics, like Calvin and Hobbes often have strips with more unconventional joke structures) is entertaining. Sandwiches are delicious. I get up because I have to. There is no reason for me to read a comic that is essentially illustrated nothing. I can do my own nothing,

I think I respect her more for phoning it in in those movies.

It does make sense to the extent that someone who likes the Stripes might also like the Keys' stuff, but I don't think they were ever that similar. The Stripes always had a much more manic, chaotic presence, and didn't seem to care as much about structure or even hitting the notes they were going for. The Keys are

Just like an onion. A sexy, sexy onion.

I guess the first step towards recovery is accepting that you have a problem.

This just in: FOX finally admits it is out of new ideas.

We have plenty of eccentrics and nutcases, but I am of the the opinion we don't have nearly enough eccentric nutcases anymore. They make everything so much more interesting.

On the other hand, one of them is Marion Marechal-Le Pen.

Are you Emma Stone?

That's not a stellar defense. If there is no real story, and it's not funny or even vaguely amusing, then what's the point? To just exist? Why would I want to read something like that?


It's not that anything happening in them was confusing. It's that nothing in them seemed to justify their own existence. It was just like a random snippet of conversation that was inexplicably illustrated.

But the only way to stop a bad guy with a snake is a good guy with a snake.

Cheryl, I don't mean to be rude, but I would never apply to a job that that would accept someone with your atrocious diction.

Albinos? I wouldn't watch it, but someone probably would

That makes sense, given this installment.

I think this one was a little better. The first two didn't make any goddam sense.

In a press conference the other day, Josh Ernest made clear that he wasn't going to apologize, but to build on the relationship with Japan moving forward. That being said, Obama going at all is a big step in the right direction that other presidents have not been willing to make, and the Japanese government seems

I dunno, I kind of like that his head looks like a mustachioed Cadbury creme egg.

Lionsgate readies giant Taco Bell order in preparation for revival of Nashville