the voice of raisins

Some people on tumblr seem to think gender-flipped means the one male character is in drag for some reason.

Now that she has finally imploded, hopefully she will stop showing up in my facebook trending topics panel.

Yeah, it's not a perfect analogy, but someone on npr this afternoon made the point that facebook is really more like a utility than a news media outlet. Given that everyone has free access to it, it seems like the biggest way facebook differs from radio is that there isn't a limited number of frequencies that people

Don't they still have it on TV? Didn't NBC get reprimanded for violating that after Trump hosted SNL?

I'm not a Republican, but I am actually kind of conflicted about the 1st amendment perspective here. But only because facebook users aren't its actual customers. This sort of falls into Payola-type territory for me.

I imagine he is also bummed that Trump has proven himself a better performance artist than him entirely by accident.


WAAZZZZAAAAAAAAP with jingoistic marketing campaigns?

Mr. Simpson, in the upcoming election, will you be voting for Kang, or Kodos?

The Goo Goo Dolls played at my college a few years ago. Every song sounded like the aural equivalent of plain white toast, and the only people who had a good time were the ones from Buffalo.

yep, I think so.

Plot Twist: Shannon is mistaken for Bigfoot, but Lennon is actual Bigfoot.

Third Crack Rock from the Son

This sounds exactly like my high school/prison/asylum.

What if I just sent you a creepy clay face instead?

I definitely find them creepy. There is not logical reason for them to be, it's just an uncanny valley thing.

Yeah, I definitely still liked The Shining. I love Kubrick's films and there is obviously some awesome acting. But a lot of scenes just kind of left me scratching my head, or thinking "hey, that was a neat sequence, but on the other hand, what?"

I think it is good to leave some things unexplained. In fact, that is what made The Witch a great movie. It did just the right amount of explaining, leaving some openings where the viewer could fill in the gaps. But if you do too little explaining, then parts of the movie either don't make sense, or it isn't clear

From my understanding, physics and compsci have much more open data than do other fields like the biological sciences, so repeating analyses in some fields would be next to impossible.

In many fields landmark studies require specialized equipment or access that simply isn't available to most labs (e.g. access to CERN), and many also require a lot of time to conduct.