the voice of raisins


Horace and Pete 2: Drunken Bugaloo

I know I'm two days late to this, but I'm calling bullshit. My friends don't post pictures of average-looking restaurant food to facebook. Their parents do.

Yep, this story has definitely been on here before. It looks like the AV Club's lack of a functional search feature is finally catching up with it.


Why? Aren't Wyngz close enough?

Ah, that's why she looked so familiar.

I agree with you on the NSA thing, that creeps me out and is a pretty clear 4th amendment violation.

eh. Ok, then.

But you are confusing the president with the executive branch as a whole.

Two can play that game.

"Yes, I want the songs to be dance songs, because I think there was something in the rest of my catalog that almost seemed too passive and morose, especially in a conversation about global realities today"
–Anohni in that Pitchfork interview

With a Congress that is overwhelmingly Republican, and two disastrous wars he was trying to withdraw from while trying to prevent the countries in which they took place from collapsing into complete anarchy, it might be unfair to have expected more. Even on the domestic front, he (eventually) supported gay marriage,

Sorry, I don't respond well to having words put into my mouth.

Well, it seems like she is one of the many people who expected Obama to magically fix everything when he was elected president without really understanding the constraints of the office, and then was disappointed when he couldn't magically fix everything.

From CatDog: Cat vs. Dog

I don't know, she strikes me as incredibly pretentious, and pretty politically naive.

I'm not a big comic book guy, so probably won't read this, but the art is spectacular.

Tom Hanks will be in his bunk.

I just found a whole wikipedia article on his politics, and he actually seems like a really thoughtful guy. He's a fiscal conservative, but also contributed to groups supporting the ERA, signed onto an Amicus brief supporting gay marriage in Hollingsworth v. Perry, and actually supports gun control. But this is my