the voice of raisins

Definitely Stabler in SVU, and the kind of loopy guy in CI. I would throw 24 in the mix as well.

Hey, Slender Mann. We can work with that.

[mumbles under breath] "Wobbly piece of shit."

I call that Boehner-gavel syndrome.

I always figured him for a more "I don't care what you do, just leave me the fuck alone" type.

I may be a liberal, but my head is very hard.

Maybe Torquemada. Genghis never struck me as particularly ideological, but I don't really know much about him. Come to think of it, the American understanding of what conservatism means is really strange, considering in most of the world it includes a more centralized government.

I liked her too, it's just been too long since I saw Hamlet for me to respond with anything other than lines from this song.

Name one.

Mama, I know we broke the rules.

Wait, this is the AV Club!

Don't be ridiculous, he lost in 2008!


Tell me, what went wrong?

But I'm still waiting for the second coming of Ophelia.

Nobody knows just what became of Ophelia.

eh. A lot of state legislators are pretty stupid.

I'm trying to imagine someone more conservative than Ted Cruz, and I just can't do it. Like not even in other countries. Even fascists weren't that conservative, because they were into the absolute power of the state. Maybe Pinochet?

A civilization has never collapsed because its people didn't bang enough. That is preposterous.