the voice of raisins

What? Where else would you get your drugs?

At this point in his career, he could make a great Bond villain, which I'd kinda like to see now.


Notify me when he hits Bill Maher-levels. Then maybe I'll muster some mild discontent.

I'd rather have a ruthless technocrat over a bewilderingly un-self-aware boob any day.

Well, it succeeded in not making me ever want to watch that show again.

I watched a single episode of Dragonball Z as a kid. It was literally just a half-hour of Goku hovering and yelling while a ball of energy grew in his hand. I don't think anything else happened.

"Yoko had gone too far, and had best watch her mouth."

If I were 35, I would be declaring my 3rd party candidacy right about now.

People are the worst animals.

Yeah, I mean the whole thrust of intersectional feminism/sociology is that people have a lot of interacting identities. Denying that people's identities and the way they interact is complex and unique to individuals is pretty absurd, and anticipating that something will be uniformly offensive regardless of context

I think I'm with you here, I think those topics have to be handled carefully, but should definitely not be off limits. Comedy is best, and most culturally important, when addressing difficult topics. Hell, if all those things were off limits, we would have never had The Colbert Report, which used conservative

God, I hate that argument. Just like anything else, if it hurts your feelings, don't watch it.

Does that mean we're not allowed to be prejudiced against the stupid anymore?

It's a feedback loop. Being overweight can add to whatever stress and unhappiness you already have.

Finally, I'll have an occasion to wear my O'Tubman tartan.

I feel like if that hadn't actually happened and you made a movie about it, everyone would think you jumped the shark. What a badass.

Holyshit. This. Is. Awesome.

I got a Community notification for this?
