the voice of raisins

My problem with it is that there are no definite boundaries as to what constitutes a fly ball in the infield, other than what an infielder could conceivably catch. So if you hit a fly ball halfway between the dirt and the fence, but the shortstop is playing deep enough that he could conceivably catch it, the infield

You saw what happened to the Expos!

And Hockey.

Also, if I may, fuck the infield fly rule, also the AL and its pinch hitters.

Probably fuck up the grass. Golfers are obsessed with maintaining the integrity of their grass.

I've gotta disagree on the video replays. I once watched a Phils v. Braves game in which Chipper Jones hit a ball two feet to the left of the left-field foul pole that got called a home run, in Philadelphia. It's a wonder the ump didn't get knocked out by a barrage of D batteries.

Whitewashing in baseball is a problem, but it's not what's killing the game. Youth participation rates in many organized sports have dropped, a lot of fans are less into the game than they were before the whole steroids mess, and you need a large, irregularly shaped chunk of land to even play the game, which are hard

Fine, but not everyone is you, and help is not always easy to ask for, especially for people who are not particularly outgoing or who are dealing with something that is socially stigmatized, like weight or an addiction. Just because you might perceive someone trying to be supportive as being condescending, does not

Are you serious? Do you really have nobody in your life that you would accept this sort of help from? Even if you knew you were unhealthy? I think that speaks more to the relationships you have with people than the sentiment itself. I am talking about my own experience here, not some hypothetical that I'm pulling

Clearly it's not an easy topic to talk about, but just like everything else, it is all about context. From my experience a lot of people who are overweight or underweight or smokers or whatever, don't want to be that way, but they need support in changing their habits because it's such a difficult thing to deal with

I didn't say you should shame people for being fat, but I think if someone you care about has a real health issue you can try to help them out in a supportive way. That includes things like smoking as well, not just weight. Also, for context, my family has a history of diabetes. My grandfather had it for a long

Well, if they are ok with it and if their poor health doesn't affect anyone else. I'm not going to tell strangers that they aren't in good health, that's not my business and I'm no doctor. But if someone in my family is way overweight (or is underweight) and continuously just eats garbage, that shit affects me and

Not for a job, but I got one of the for a study abroad program in college. But I have a friend who once got "if you lost both your hands and had to replace them with two objects of your choosing, which objects would you choose and why?"

Yeah, until @Reposted_AVC_Gimmick_Account shows up.

Conservative talk radio isn't actual government officials. They are id-driven blowhards with their heads so far up their asses they could wink out their navels, and are not at all concerned with even the pretense of caring about policy. How Ann Coulter would interact with Bernie Sanders is not at all how Lindsey

Many interviews are condescending and idiotic. And some are good interviews, I assume.

I'm sure, but I suspect it would happen more with Clinton than with Sanders. Most Republican lawmakers seem to at least respect Sanders, even if they disagree with him a lot. Clinton, on the other hand, is so disliked by Republicans that she was subjected to a 10 hr Congressional Committee meeting about the made-up

Mellow Trombone

I mean, I get annoyed with those people, too, but they did the same thing with Obama, and to some degree are doing that with Hillary. Political fandom is now just a part of the age we live in, with such a fast-paced internet media.

Listen, we are mostly in the same place as you politically, but please, for everyone's sake, lighten up a bit.