the voice of raisins

Ok, so here's the thing. You are criticizing Sanders because he isn't progressive enough on racial issues while basically saying that only Republican policies are realistic. Meanwhile, it looks like the two Republicans who have the greatest chance of becoming the GOP nominee are Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, both of

Since you are very concerned with racial issues, as you should be, I just grabbed a pretty simple example: "We need to federally fund and require body cameras for law enforcement officers to make it easier to hold them accountable."

I am not sure you know what a presidential campaign is. It's basically like a job interview, in which you say all the things you want to do for your prospective employer. This gives your new employer an idea of where you stand on important issues. Anyone with a brain understands that it is almost never possible to

It is still in your rational self-interest to avoid watching this video.

Joe Blevins, gotchu, bro. It's up now.

Needed more room for your liver?

If you like swimming with piranhas!

I like the new look/name. Much more dadaist.

From what I understand (which could be dated) the biology on gender dysphoria is still somewhat up in the air. There are apparent biological differences between cis and trans people who were assigned the same gender at birth, particularly neurological differences, but it isn't really clear what biological mechanisms

A yam! What a yam!

I watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid on Netflix last night. I'd seen it before, but I was probably about twelve when my dad went on a kick of old Robert Redford movies, and I didn't really remember any of it. What a fantastic movie, but with some really goofy tonal shifts. It swings from a sort of classic

Where do the tubes come into play?

Maybe they got the idea from the whole opening up of Cuba thing? I dunno, that's my best guess. Seems like they should have made it about Cuba if that was the case, though.

Eh. Who's got the time anymore?

I hear they even let you piss on the floor in airplanes.

and Charlie Has Never Done Cocaine, and I Am the King of the Moon.

*sad Bong*

Whatever happened to the Taco Bell Bell?

Guac isn't really that bad for you. It seems like a lot of calories and fat, but most of the calories are from fat, and almost all of the fat is unsaturated, which is the good kind. Basically the only bad thing in guacamole is salt, unless you think avacados are bad for you, because that's where the fat comes from.

"I call this one 'Soft Construction with Boiled Beans.'