the voice of raisins

They way I figure it, I'm more likely to give myself a foodborne illness than I am to get it from Chipotle.

Antarctica. Everyone forgets Antarctica.

Oh, boy! This IS a great birthday!

Huh, I'd never thought about fiction readership in terms of gender, but it definitely makes sense that if most fiction readers are women, that would translate into tv and film. And yeah, I mean I know that the GoT audience isn't the same as the Hunger Games audience, but when someone reaches an age where they lose

And I think Cornel West got it from Hulk Hogan.

I certainly have no data backing this up, but there seems to be a huge audience for violent fantasy movies/tv among women, I mean even look at all the recent YA movie adaptations. Almost all of them have female protagonists.

This is purely anecdotal, but I know about the same number of men and women who are GoT fans, and the women are way more into it.

Hey, it's not our fault our children are dim.

Make it a two-fer: A Tribe Called Avenue Q

This one's shorter : (

My friend told me about this thing he and his sister do called "peepjousting," where he gets two peeps, sticks a toothpick in each one, and then puts them in the microwave facing each other. Last one standing wins. He is in his mid 20s.


One candy corn is great. Three is fine. After four I feel like I'm gonna barf.

glitter-slime merchants

Oh, I thought the opening part was two saxes, a tenor and a soprano

Your first mistake is thinking that the genre we call rock music has any sort of identifiable bounds.

Nope, many are made of brass, but they are classified as woodwinds because they use reeds.

I think most people agreed with the Mambo No. 5 one as well, if I recall correctly.

"Horns" doesn't necessarily just mean brass, in popular music a horn section usually also includes saxes. But yes, the opinion that horns don't belong in rock music is stupid.