the voice of raisins

Pelham 123 Leaves Pelham Bay Park Station Heading West at 45 Miles per Hour…

Tin Bowl
A stoner comedy featuring James Franco and Seth Rogen as hobos.

Statistics has numbers, therefore it is math, I don't care what mathematicians or statisticians tell you.


Saw The Martian last night, and Deadpool earlier in the week. Both were very entertaining and great popcorn movies, as much as I hate that term (not because it diminishes the artistry of the film, but because i feel very strongly that delicious, buttery popcorn should be consumed whenever possible, including at

Who wears a cape? Where do you even get a cape?

The AV Club

Hollywood 7 = Real life 10

Bachelors of *farts*

Pooper? I hardly even know'er!

I dunno, I hear Assad is also fond of puns.

The goat attack got me real good. I would describe the noise that came out of my mouth at that moment, but I don't know how.

I haven't done any deep research on this, but it sounds like she would be working for him in some capacity no matter what.

It sounds like you want Dr. Luke to be found guilty of sexual assault before Kesha is freed of her contractual obligations. I think that is an unreasonably high bar, and whether he assaulted her or not, the accusation should be reason enough to let her out of the contract. Surely a professional relationship cannot

My argument is that the whole voyage of the Pequod is representative of the American experiment to achieve a fantastic ideal that is ultimately an impossibility, an impossibility that, at the time the book was published, was threatening to tear the nation apart at the seams, and would succeed in doing so less than a

Are you really arguing that Dr. Luke should be found guilty of sexual assault in a criminal case before Kesha is able to get out of her contract?

From what I understand, there has not been a criminal case, just this one over Kesha's contract. So Dr. Luke has not been found guilty of any sexual assault, but that does not mean it didn't happen.

his id.

Yup. It was very good. Great acting, really established its sense of place, a good story that doesn't try too hard to explain itself. Still, I was a bit underwhelmed given the hype.