the voice of raisins

But it isn't really all that different in this case, although Huck Finn is a much stronger example. The context is what makes it appropriate in Huck Finn, just as this plot line in Kimmy Schmidt, which otherwise could be insensitive, is made the reverse by its context.

It seemed like less of "you just don't get how edgy I am," and more of "I don't have time for this bullshit." And if you honestly think she was being offensive, it is your job to stop watching her stuff, otherwise you clearly don't care all that much, and shouldn't be asking for an apology (especially on behalf of a

But some people don't just move on, and that is the problem. It's like the people that want to take the N word out of Huck Finn (not that that was used as a joke). I think we can all agree that they have completely missed the point of the book, but they haven't figured that out, so they keep trying to prevent people

Sorta. Let's put it this way, she liked The Office exclusively for the Jim/Pam romance.

There is a reason comics use that justification, especially stand-ups. People who perform comedy often say the same jokes over and over for different audiences, sometimes for years, and every audience reacts differently. That tells them that when a joke doesn't work in one place as it would somewhere else, the

It makes a lot of people roll their eyes, but some people do have a hard time understanding certain types of jokes. I can't tell you the number of times I have been watching a comedy with my parents and my mom has had to ask me and my dad why a joke is funny. It isn't that she doesn't know there is a joke there,


Yeah, there were two points of this flashback: 1) life is harder as a native american than a white person and 2) Krakowski's character is a doofus. If anything about this show was offensive it was the asian character was named Dong.


I second the prediction that she is Luke's daughter, especially since her situation is so similar to Luke's in the beginning of A New Hope.

Aziz's dad is fucking hilarious. I wonder how similar he is to his character in real life, maaan.

I agree that all the newbies were great. I was also surprised at how annoying I found C3PO.

Considering how great the John Adams one was, I have very high hopes.

Rainbow suspenders. One very tall thin character, and another short fat one. Flapping dicky.

If this isn't a comedy, it's the cheesiest action flick ever made.

"Purple you gonna call the Ghostbusters?"
SEE!?! It doesn't fucking work!

Nah, that's just Bill. He's not a ghost, just transparent.

Purple is just a color. Not all colors can be like orange.

gonna includes a verb