the voice of raisins

I haven't gotten to the others, but In Cold Blood is absolutely, hauntingly gorgeous.

1492. I actually had read 1493 first, and was blown away by how fascinating the history of potatoes is. Both are quite hefty, but must reads for anyone interested in history, ecology, or economics.


Even New Jersey can't take that much New Jersey.

Since I could actually understand what you were trying to say this time, I will say that using personal email accounts was conventional practice until Clinton imposed the rule for her department that all official business should be done on official email accounts. That has been widely reported, and I am not blaming

Sadly, people actually use it, but mostly on college campuses. At my undergrad school, it was mostly the kids that hung out in the Women's Studies Center. There unfortunately is an a strain of illiberal leftism that is very similar to the conservative caricature of democrats, but people who fall into that group are

I am not sure what dialect of English you are speaking, but its convoluted syntactical conventions appear to have prevented you from understanding my comment, and alas, have prevented me from fully understanding yours as well. My apologies, but it appears this conversation must come to an end, as our respective

Code Pink also staged a protest outside Walter Reed in which they displayed coffins draped in American flags, and at least one of their leaders has praised Hugo Chavez on national tv. They are not as bad as Yoo, but they are a fundamentally misguided and illiberal group, even if they are arguing for the right thing.

It was standard practice until Clinton's tenure, and even then it was a rule, not a law, so there was nothing to "discover," really.

He is actually on the left on gun control, too, just not as far left as Hillary. The way I understand it, the vote Hillary hit him on in the debate was a bill that would have allowed victims of gun violence to sue the person or place that a shooter had purchased guns from, even if the sale was legal. That is by most

Whatever. Let me know when you are ready to talk about policy.


Store clerk retaliates by throwing cymbal at GG Tim Allin's head.

It's like hive of jazzy ghost bees.

Oh man, that is hilarious. Stay weird, Switzerland.

Sanders hasn't said anything approaching the ideas that you are trying to associate him with, regarding "safe spaces". In fact, he is probably the most pro-freedom of speech out of the current batch of candidates. And Trump isn't really on the "right." He is far right on immigration, but on other issues he is just

Let alone a herd

Haha! They won't make it into a movie, nobody would believe that shit.

Well he was an unelected bureaucrat of an agency with relatively few checks on its authority. So there's that.

I think that speaks more to the stupidity of the average voter than the motives of politicians. I am honestly of the belief that most politicians genuinely think they are doing the right thing, but that the ways we designed our political system to protect us from dictatorship make it damn near impossible to do the