the voice of raisins

It's getting better all the time! (It can't get no worse)

Yes, which is stupid because nickels also cost more to make than they are worth. We should get rid of change entirely, and instead have perforated dollar bills, so that if you need five cents but only have a dollar, thats ok, just tear the last row off of the dollar so that now you have one bill worth 95 cents and

Case in point: There is a real protein called Sonic Hedgehog.

That would leave us with no Quadrophenia, which is a world I don't want to live in.

They ALL appear to be sincere! That's how they rope so many people in!

I suppose you'll have to just stick with your Disney princesses, what with their being forced into slavery by their stepparents and attempted murder-by-poisoned-fruit victims.

Probably because Dahl's books were pretty dark and edgy. The other giants eat children ferfucksake.

Why relegate it to one month?

Of all the things scientists are doing, it's not the flu you need to be worried about. It's antibiotic resistance, the trend toward placing monetary value on ecosystem services to get policy-makers to pay attention to conservation, and maybe CRISPR.

I will degrade and destroy [insert orifice here]

Master of None, unqualified success.

My then girlfriend convinced me to see Guardians of the Galaxy, which she wanted to see because "Chris Pratt got hot for it." I was pretty indifferent going in, but it was a top-notch superhero film.

So this is what they mean by the War on Christmas.

Yeah, the worst part about it is that it isn't even a criticism of the music based on the music, it's a criticism of the music based on who listens to it. Charles Manson listened to the Beatles a lot, but it's stupid to give Paul McCartney shit for that.

There used to be a Beer-Lovers' Party in Poland, that sounds like it could be up your alley.

Sound and Color isn't even an option for best album? What the hell, AVC?

And snow. The Old West was before snow was invented.


The Phanatic is a he, but his mom, Phoebe, makes occasional appearances, as does his cousin Phred. His official bio states that he has a best friend named Phyllis (presumably not of Phil and Phillis), but I can't find any images of her on the Googles.

The 80s Ski/Snowboard comedy is really the same thing as the 80s camp comedy. It always amazes me how few ideas there were in the 80s.