the voice of raisins

Beaver/Opey 2016!

And the scene with Amia in that deli actually makes me want to try that pickled fish or whatever that was.

New Orleans food is dope, that's how.

I don't think so. I can't remember what exactly he is making, but he gives one daughter the pit of a mango that still had some fruit on it, and the other daughter gets mad that she didn't get one.

There are a ton of great food scenes in Louie. I can't remember what season it is from, but there is one episode that opens with him cooking dinner for his daughters and the food looks absolutely gorgeous. Makes the ol' tumbly grumbly every time.

Bush doesn't look good now, but I bet you he will be in decent shape once March rolls around. Remember that many states award delegates proportionally, so he doesn't have to win any states early on to still be awarded a reasonable number of delegates.

Cruz and Trump aren't fighting for the same vote, though. Cruz is very much a Tea Party candidate, but Trump is a former democrat who has supported and exploited enormous government programs. Rubio and Bush are competing for some of the same ground, but Rubio is kind of a strange candidate in that he is drawing some

HEY! Don't you talk that way about Cecily Strong!

Trump's ceiling is about 25-30%, which won't do him any good when the herd begins to thin, and is much lower than Rubio's, Cruz's, Bush's, or even Carson's. If I was a betting man, I would put my money on Bush. He's got the most establishment backing, orchards full of money trees, and can reasonably expect to court

Funny you should say that, the latest poll out of NH has Reagan's Ghost at 18%.

*MuriCANs B dum ;b

I am just waiting until the electoral singularity, when the presidential election seasons begin to overlap, and the news becomes so infuriating that it devolves into little more than high-pitched mechanical whirring.

Nah, he might have been the GOP nominee, but not president.

It is funny you should say that, because although that seems to be what a lot of Republican candidates want, it would make the US something akin to the EU, which they would hate.

People who grew up near Bethlehem, PA still do that.

I really want to see a spin-off show hosted by John Hodgman the Deranged Millionaire.

I think they stuck out to me because otherwise the movie doesn't really have the trappings of a monster/zombie movie, as sort of a dystopian thriller/futuristic war movie. But in retrospect, yeah.

You have assumed a great deal more about me than I have about you. And reducing complex concepts and ideologies into political parties and ideological camps is actually something that everyone does, you even did so yourself when you referred to "red state idiots." It is how we form and recognize standing coalitions,

The Uvular Suspect's comment was over the top, and I don't agree with it, and am not defending him/her. But Afghanistam's responses, which started out reasonable enough, have devolved into some of the most bitter and persistent insults, apparently devised under the belief that he is the sole intelligent life form in

Nah. Her voice and style of music, while definitely poppy, is also definitely not Katy Perry or Pink! She is quite different, and different in an important way.