Zombie T Dogg

This question could only be posed by the kind of softie collegeboy sissy critics who never had to brain a man with a hammer. Once you've feel the impact vibration in your elbow and you look into the dead eyes of a mindless corpse, then you know what the true greatness of cinema… is.
   So pull up your panties, Nancy.

So let me get this straight.. I don't play videos games at all, which means I am probably a social outcast ..but if I didn't play video games 25 years ago, that would make me 'normal'? What kind of bizarre time-flux logic is that?

I'm super-bummed that Austin, TX is not on that list of dates.

@avclub-173af0430bc192b8a027af7cdba82cd7:disqus That being said, the man does not seem at all bitter. As a matter of fact, I've never seen a more gracious and soulful live performance. The man is pure class.

You guys know that 19 year old girls are the foundation upon which your porn collections are built, right?

"angels blessing your ear drums with their cocks." is an image that will stick with me the rest of my life, you poet of genitalia.

Man, I lost interest in her after ||||\\\\\\\\/\/\/\^^/\//\/\/<>><><><\/\/\//\^^t/\\, that album was just awful.

puppets, muppets, moppets, they all look the same to me.

I've never heard of this band but this sounds like exactly what I've wanted to hear all day.

You are not alone.

I watched the Dawn remake recently and the thing is, it already feels much more dated to me than the original does.

I have a soft spot for the Night of the Living Dead remake from '90

Bronie Community is the name of the xxx parody I'm writing.

I guess that's the issue I'm having with this movie, @avclub-615a666e6472b587f63193032da45961:disqus …it looks very polished and professional whereas the original was so raw and amatuer. Not that there's anything wrong with professionals doing a pro job, but I always thought one of the biggest charms of ED was it's

Yeah, skirts don't like that word.

I could speed on pot, but I find it actually makes me a much more careful driver. Maybe it's just that I live in Texas, where a small bag of weed sends you to the guillotine.

Great, now I have pictured Duchamp in reverse-cowgirl in a Man Ray photo…

"Reverse-Duchamp philosophy"

Meh. It was better when it was a stack of notes scribbled on diner napkins. It was real, then, man.

Caligula in smell-o-vision? They had better be handing out barf bags at the entrance.