
Nice write-up, but that wasn't the exact line-up at Olympic Plaza. The schedule has been pulled from the Sled Island website but if memory serves correctly, it was actually [other bands I didn't see] - King Tuff - Ex Hex - Viet Cong (they were great AND at one point Mike and Dan were hocking giant loogies at each

It bothered me that they kept referring to the fact that Cam was "turning 10" because it was the 10th February 29th since his birth. Unless I'm mistaken, this is incorrect — leap years happen every four years except at the turn of the century (i.e. years ending in 00). Thus, Cam would not have celebrated his "8th

I went to the Heritage Classic last year in Calgary and it was a lot of fun. I feel like it was a really rare opportunity to see something special in the sport I love. Plus the Flames curbstomped the Habs, which is always nice to see.