Bob McKinney

Simpsons did it.

Spot on.

Hover over the image on the top of the page and you'll see it.

A- is way too generous. It wasn't great, but, as usual, it's still much better than most Family Guy episodes. Remember that time when you noticed FG episodes have been deteriorating since season 9?

I'm actually not sure why I wrote that comment…

I can tell this documentary will be taken down soon.

I'm not sure if the third guy from the right has a bigger forehead


Roman. What kinda name is that?

Roman. What kinda name is that?

Look at how he bent his left foot, wayyy too unrealistic

Well, I guess he had the balls t- No, don't…


It doesn't deserve a C+… More like a C+

It doesn't deserve an A-. More like an A-


Is it me or is there a hyphen where the grade should be?

New reality shows are going downhill fast…

This is the first Grade+ I've seen in this season.

I'm gonna pee!