Mr Fixit

Actually the Hulk's face was a computer mess of Eric Bana and Ang Lee. Ang Lee put on the CGI golum suit and acted out the all the Hulk smash parts. So Lee basicly took the only fun part of playing the Hulk out of Bana's hands.

Seriously what are you writing here?
um you know the doc is about the American views of the war. Not about the foreign views. Sorry its a big subject and Burns did a damn good job showing how America reacted to it. The film was about the america side of the war, Not Britain. Not Frace, Poland, Russia, China, Italy,

I rent
the mid-afternoon. I have a time share on the morning.

In the crappy history of music 80-now
This is well. Not that bad. At least its not 18 songs about a girl breaking up with him. Or an overrated canadian ragging for the 1000 time on Bush. Or an english band that has out right rejected any sort of musical direction. Its something new. Could be good could be aweful. I'll

I kind of like this movie
when I first saw it. Later viewing solved that issue. Also Philip K. Dick wrote stories that expected you to bring something to the table while reading them. The movies based on his work are (leaving out Blade Runner) made by people who don't understand Dr Suess.

Lets see
theres nothing but shitty sci-fi on TV these days. Stargate, Stargate- new orleans, Star Trek- what ever generation their on now. I don't see how this doesn't fit in. Yeah the orginal movies have suffer from this but really they were overrated anyways. I mean all Lucas did was rip off Midway's fighter ploit

I'm shocked
on how many people missed the point on the Hulk. This really is a MYOF movie if there ever was one.

Hey you fixed my login issue
all is right with the world. Good job.

Good maybe it
will kill the play and we can all pretend that Monty Python never went to Broadway in the first place. Yes Broadway- were pop culture goes to die in front of tourist. Funny cause there was a time in the country when Broadway was pop culture.

glad to see the Hulk on this list. Could our talk here be starting a cult following for this film?

I know who directed it fuckhead
it was a joke. OY1 your an assfuck moron for not getting that I hate this worthless sack of crap actor and was taking shots at his lack of acting abilty. Go make up more Backstage stories.

All these post
Get a collective C+.

Save Ferris!
I heard he was so sick he puked in shop class and was sent home.

I think Larry The Cable guy
ate Tom and Dick Smothers. He thought they were props.

I Nominate
Onnella Muti to the multicultural sexy Roman adventure squad. She's a born team leader. After all she's an intresting girl who just might enjoy it. Got go, I only have 14 hours left to save earth & my Hawkman shit all over his cage again.

A+ Blog there Steven.
F for being the first person to comment on your own blog.

I'm not one for hatting, BUT…
I have to post this…. I hate the fucking guy. He's a dick and a best a third rate actor. He was the worst part of Dazed and Confused which is other wise brillant. The rest of the films (except Zodiac) are aweful with or with out him.

Good deal
she pulled out. That trio would have opend up the gates to hell. No joke.

Wanna piss off Dan Akroyd
Tell him you thought he was dead. Then tell him,"Its good to see you up and around, Chevey."

Come on now Taylor
you don't have to work hard. Amelie has a job that requires none after.