Mr Fixit

Wachowski's makers of the Matix triology, Speed Racer bring to you now the greatest movie of all time…. MAN… HIT IN GRON… WITH FOOTBALL!!!!

That's right, you don't fuck with the Jesus.

The only thing that ever trully
freaked me out… when I was sober cause being high you freak at everything… is the backwards crowd noise on Tomorrow never knows by the Beatles. For some reason listening with headphones to this day it creeps me out. Its sounds like nasty little things with very sharp teeth coming for

I have that dream of studing for the bar and become yet another completly useless soulless laywer. That dream of complete conformity and blandness that only comes with a law degree. I have nightmares about that all the time.

If they do the Voltron with all the little cars and shit.. nah that would suck too.

Even the stills from this movie
hurt my eyes. Seriously this movie hurts to look at too many colors flashing for no real fucking reason. I bet its loud too. You know cause kids are dumb and need bright colors and noise. I like Bound and I liked the Matrix (1st one) and V. They for the most part were smart

Reall that seems to fit
Jethro Tull perfectly. I'm not a fan but if I think Jethro Tull a man playing a flute on one foot leaps to mind.

Damned if it wasn't sold out. Just wow! A late morning show sold out. What the hell.

I'm leaving work to see this right now
11:30 show. A good review? a B+ This might be the first time I'm seeing a movie with Nathan's pre aproval since I normal don't get to read the reviews til Monday. Nathan you got excited now. I hope it lives up the hype.

they're digging in the wrong place!!!!!

Joseph…. god talk about the 90s and bad ideas from the house of ideas.

Don't tell me what to do you don't own me. Your not my daddy!

The problem with Kong is that its not a 3 hour movie. Its a hour/half at best. Really Jackson was out of his nut making this film. He should have taken a year off from LOTR before jumping on to Kong and even then. Cut an hour out please. How much time do we need to spend on that fucking boat getting to the island?

The boobie jelly boobs look
like balls. By Balls I mean testicals.

Ok I think you got it backwards
YOu wanted Superman 1 and Spiderman 2 but you listed Superman 2 and Spiderman 1.


she showed boobie? Now I have to see a Jud Aprow flim with the unfunny guy from" I'll beat your mother" in it? I'll wait for the DVD and fast forward instead.

No!!! You don't understand; we need to keep Jennifer Tilly on the air other wise she come and find me again. She kicked my ass over Bride of Chucky and I don't wanna be beaten up again. Keep her playing poker and away from me. She goes after the nipples and balls, the sadistic bitch.

On the plus side Shannon Elizabeth easy on the eye's. On the minus side Drew Barrymore looks like a 14 year old boy who needs to learn to shave.

Con-air sucks and giving the good movies on this list is clearly there just to start a fight.