oh you men

There was room for two Boston Legal supporting actors (wait, was that even ON this year??) but just Michael Emerson and no one else from Lost?

But are you wearing them in an IRONIC way?

Yeah, the most popular girls were usually not the most traditionally beautiful, at least in my high school world. The key seemed to be: having cool older friends, a parent-free basement, and a car.

It's no Zack & Kelly's Prom, but….
"What sullen high school student hasn't dreamed of the day when his or her classmates would finally appreciate them?"

Many of us wore those in the early-mid 90s. The Buffy kids were still rocking them well into 1999.

What speculation though? They are practically married. I was surprised that Bravo, of all networks, wouldn't just state the obvious. Unless he doesn't want to be branded as Mr. NPH.

Yeah, admittedly, I'm a Woody Allen apologist, but aren't all of these "shortcomings" part of the charm of Woody's work? You could write similar lists about almost any prolific director.

I realize I sounded like an NBC flack right there. Not sure why I got so service-y. I take it all back. Philanthropy sucks.

I won't say too much more about Tombstone, because this is actually part of my dissertation topic and I could blab about it forever, but I do think there's a kind of cult following around it, but it's divided between regular Guys (which would probably include many of you on this thread) and Western-enthusiast people.

Thylacine, I'm a girl and I LOVE Tombstone, not because of what DPA suggests, but for the same reasons You Men love it. So many quotes, so many badass moments. Just a great, unpretentious Western.

RIP Philanthropist
Just an FYI, don't get too attached. They shot 8 episodes and NBC is just burning them off over the summer.

I think it's a combo of all of these things: good for viewership, good for more films to call themselves 'Oscar nominee,' good for advertising in the trades, etc. Plus, it opens up the field to more genre films and animation (maybe they can get rid of that category now and let Pixar compete with everything else).

It's not the editing
I met these unfortunate souls. It's clear that they've grown up on reality tv and now know exactly how fit the established types in order to secure maximum screen time.
The truth is, most of them are wannabe entertainers and this is just a ploy to "get themselves out there."

I think Greek can be uneven at times, but overall, it's a pretty solid show. You just have to look past the fact that it's on ABC Family. The leads can be a bit bland, but there are some pretty great supporting characters (Dale and Cappy).

Until re-watching that sketch, I forgot that I'm actually Wally P. Doyle's widow.

I mean Pete! God, that was the ultimate insult.

RIP Wally P. Doyle. And Pedro.

I also like the parental headdresses that Bob and Jill wear. And yes, David's dance cracks me up every time.

Jeepers Creepers Semi-Star
Although it's not my all-time favorite, I've always loved Jeepers Creepers, even though you can definitely tell it's left over from the Ben Stiller Show. It's such a spot-on Jesus Christ Superstar send-up - the dancing, the cinematography, the music, the casting of Jack Black, weird Jeanne

Yes! I think it's a combination of Bob's performance and the camerawork or something. It's funnier in light of Toby Keith.