The man who killed Sancho Panz

Weird. I saw the great pumpkin.

I once knew an old man who's a devout catholic and lives in a really poor neighborhood in Mexico city. He's too old to work, so he begs for money on the streets and uses it to buy food… for his neighbours.

The entire book of Job is devoted to explain that subject. Reading it is far more interesting than watching a K. Cameron flick.

"I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know
bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his
beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when Man cannot express
himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in
enduring his sufferings in the right

As far as I remember, Jesus predicted that christians would suffer a lot of horrible things their entire life. Not this "i got banned on facebook" crap. He meant like, being stoned to death and stuff.

You discovered that God is a dick? You must be the most intelligent human being on Earth.

It's pretty much the same formula of every conservative christian film: Guy sins. Guy feels guilty. Guy finds Jesus. Guy becomes a good person again. Everybody is happy forever.

Nick Vujicic appears to be quite happy.

No hay banda. Está grabado.

When I went to see The powerpuff girls movie, I actually was the only adult male in a sea of children and their parents. Oh, memories.

Is Primus punk?

How's Annie?… *laughs… ¿How's Annie?… *Laughs more-…. HOW'S ANNIE?!?!?!… *laughs histerically… HOW'S ANNNNIIEEEE??!?!?!?!?!?!

Whatever happened with that Where's Waldo movie?

It shocked me that the AV Club had an obit dedicated to Jenny Rivera. Didn't know anybody paid attention to her outside Mexico and some areas of Texas.

Jessica Rabit, Winona Ryder, Lisa Simpson.

The correct phrase is "chinga a tu madre, El Puente"

No mames wey está bien chingón!

I think Glen or Glenda works fine as a really oddball avant garde arthouse film. Even David lynch picks it as one of his favorite films.

Must be the way Morrissey uses his voice in this one.

it's not so hard: If they keep releasing 2 songs a year, the complete album will be available sometime around 2018.