The man who killed Sancho Panz

At last we will get the Super Mario Brothers movie we deserve.

Ill mio neighborino TòtoRiina

I liked Captain EO.

Shockingly, the only time she played a real MPDG was in that awful Hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy movie.

I have never seen Game of thrones because it's so mainstream. Am I hip or what? (stares with a big smile at the crowd waiting for approval)

I did the same with Mars Attacks.

There was a time when a band like Crash test dummies could become mainstream.

The South Park movie was great too. Can't think of another nineties cartoon that had a good movie.

What's an eminem?

I remember when worried mothers from all around the world were saying the same thing about the Simpsons.

The first time i ever experienced MST3K was by watching the movie and it blew my pre-adolescent mind.

…And then the credits roll to a goofy yodel tune.

What about Gaspar Noe's Bond? Now that would be a sex and violence fest.

When he plays the maracas he goes chick chicky boom!

Yep. It's true. I read it on Cracked. They never lie.

If I criticize ghetto black people and I'm a Mexican living in Mexico… is it racist?

You must be standing on Scrooge McDuck's swimming pool.

That "Hoooo-Weee" Made me think of Jones from A confederacy of dunces. I wonder if Spike Lee also dislikes that novel. 

If immediate feedback was a law, we wouldn't have had that Airplane! movie.