The man who killed Sancho Panz

Is this better than Mystery men?

I find hillarious that Reygadas gets offended everytime someone tells him that he/she didn't like his movie. I saw Silent Light at a theater crowded with sleepy teens who were obliged to watch the film for school, then Reygadas shows up at the end for a Q&A session and some dude tells him that he didn't understood

"The Mennonite Prometheus" Thanks for giving me a name for my indie folk band.

Modern times 2: The droid years.

Sharlto Copley will be the new Sacha Baron Cohen.

Bloody robots. Filling the bloody world up with robot people
they can't afford to bloody feed.

I'm also waiting for that District 9 sequel.

He would make a much better zany robot than Robin Williams.

I hope that "Balls" picture get as famous as Brett Ratner's "Big butts book" picture.

Actually, the book of Judges is pretty badass.

He looks more like Thor.

I was walking on the ground,I didn't make a soundAnd then I turned around —I saw a clown…

Legend says that Michael Bay originally wanted to do a remake of Solaris but those evil Hollywood moguls demanded more action scenes.

Mom taught me to love God and never trust organized religion. I stick to that.

Now that I think, it's weird they released this 4D theaters in 3d world countries first.

YEAH!!! ME-XI-CO ME-XI-CO ME-XI-CO!!! Take that, you bunch of güeros!!!! (Haven't gone to a 4D screening yet. Tickets too expensive. Me poor. Damn)

I like to think that this Hobbit trilogy is more like a huge fanboy homage from Jackson to Tolkien and not a greedy money grab. (Though I know I must be wrong)

To be fair, Dylan's Born-again christian trilogy is not as horrible as many people thinks. It's kind of weird when Dylan recites sunday school dogma (wich happens mostly in "Saved") but it also has some sweet and moving pieces like "Every grain of sand"

You reminded me of that wacky fan fiction I did as a kid were Dr. Beckett leaped into Tim Burton's Batman.

Actually, that trailer looks like a gritty reboot of Metropolis.