Marc Kandel

That is one of my favorite speeches.  Of course, I did have an issue with Quark's logic however, as his descriptor could be applied to any species put under extreme conditions, and that's what rang a bit false for me- it was a layered "humans aren't perfect" Trek speech, but really, under extreme duress, any being is

There's nothing to say the Federation didn't try that tactic only to be either ignored or rebuffed (given the capricous nature of the Prophets I would guess the former, but then this hardly explains how Quark is able to talk to them so easily- I always wanted to see Kira's reaction to Quark so nonchalantly strolling

There's nothing to say the Federation didn't try that tactic only to be either ignored or rebuffed (given the capricous nature of the Prophets I would guess the former, but then this hardly explains how Quark is able to talk to them so easily- I always wanted to see Kira's reaction to Quark so nonchalantly strolling

Oh lord the electric bullwhips (the first thing from what some might laughably refer to as Ferengi "world-bulding" to be jettisoned and never seen again)- because nothing is more threatening to a guy holding a point and shoot weapon than a 3000 year old tool used to control animals that loses it value to physically

Oh lord the electric bullwhips (the first thing from what some might laughably refer to as Ferengi "world-bulding" to be jettisoned and never seen again)- because nothing is more threatening to a guy holding a point and shoot weapon than a 3000 year old tool used to control animals that loses it value to physically

You are correct, they were the new "Klingons" of TNG.  Unfortunately this mindset lasted about two episodes (possibly two and a half) where even the hamhanded, hackneyed writing staff of TNG (first season) had to admit that their "big bads" were about as threatening as vanilla pudding.  Then they shifted the Ferengi

You are correct, they were the new "Klingons" of TNG.  Unfortunately this mindset lasted about two episodes (possibly two and a half) where even the hamhanded, hackneyed writing staff of TNG (first season) had to admit that their "big bads" were about as threatening as vanilla pudding.  Then they shifted the Ferengi

I did not know he did that.  I do not know why he would do that.

I did not know he did that.  I do not know why he would do that.

You know, I was going to go to youtube and get a link to probably the most horrifying Zelda scene and say "hey guys, here's a neat behind the scenes where King explains why he shelved the book…" or some such harmless lure… but as soon as I got to youtube, typed in Pet Sematary and saw that there were quite a few links

You know, I was going to go to youtube and get a link to probably the most horrifying Zelda scene and say "hey guys, here's a neat behind the scenes where King explains why he shelved the book…" or some such harmless lure… but as soon as I got to youtube, typed in Pet Sematary and saw that there were quite a few links

Oh yes it does get worse and whatever flaws the movie has her scenes are not them.  There's a moment where Lambert makes us Denise Crosby's character and … well basically that haggard, drawn thing runs up right to the camera and gibbers into your face- its fucking unwatchable- I've never seen it fullscreen- my fingers

Oh yes it does get worse and whatever flaws the movie has her scenes are not them.  There's a moment where Lambert makes us Denise Crosby's character and … well basically that haggard, drawn thing runs up right to the camera and gibbers into your face- its fucking unwatchable- I've never seen it fullscreen- my fingers

Well now I do want to see a remake with January Jones (never one to raise a bar set by Denise Crosby) messily torn apart by her offspring.

Well now I do want to see a remake with January Jones (never one to raise a bar set by Denise Crosby) messily torn apart by her offspring.

Man, people hate Dale Midkiff's performance.  I think he hit a few key moments though- his phone call to Ellie where he decides not to tell her about her cat - through tears- there's a very good line delivery "Yuck.  Kiss your own cat" and his talking to Pascow's just expired corpse on the gurney (right before it

Man, people hate Dale Midkiff's performance.  I think he hit a few key moments though- his phone call to Ellie where he decides not to tell her about her cat - through tears- there's a very good line delivery "Yuck.  Kiss your own cat" and his talking to Pascow's just expired corpse on the gurney (right before it

The first thing Zombie-Gage did after crawling out of the ground was watch "Caddyshack" and he paid special attention to Carl Spackler's offer to cripple Judge Smails.

The first thing Zombie-Gage did after crawling out of the ground was watch "Caddyshack" and he paid special attention to Carl Spackler's offer to cripple Judge Smails.

I have to say Bucky my first exposure to the Wendigo myth was when John Byrne gave Wolverine a rematch with him during his tenure with X-Men, and unlike the Hulk 181 Wolverine intro, it was anything but goofy- Byrne and inker Terry Austin managed to convey an unsettling twilight atmosphere in the woods and his