Marc Kandel

I have to say Bucky my first exposure to the Wendigo myth was when John Byrne gave Wolverine a rematch with him during his tenure with X-Men, and unlike the Hulk 181 Wolverine intro, it was anything but goofy- Byrne and inker Terry Austin managed to convey an unsettling twilight atmosphere in the woods and his

I think its more to lead us to her tale of Zelda and to make it very clear that Gage comes back from the burial ground with Zelda's soul inside of him rather than the "Wendigo"- its for plot clarification though it could have a lesser role as Lambert's shallow stab at drawing in some of the book's themes about death. 

I think its more to lead us to her tale of Zelda and to make it very clear that Gage comes back from the burial ground with Zelda's soul inside of him rather than the "Wendigo"- its for plot clarification though it could have a lesser role as Lambert's shallow stab at drawing in some of the book's themes about death. 

Its always odd to me that as much flak as this film gets, a lot of reviewers gloss over the very effective Zelda scenes.  I think omitting how awesomely terrifying she is does a disservice to the film. I kind of get why Noel doesn't mention it- he's more interested in the very real devasations of the novel… but Zelda

Its always odd to me that as much flak as this film gets, a lot of reviewers gloss over the very effective Zelda scenes.  I think omitting how awesomely terrifying she is does a disservice to the film. I kind of get why Noel doesn't mention it- he's more interested in the very real devasations of the novel… but Zelda

A tree falls down (is knocked over) in front of Louis on his trek to bury Gage.  It reads more as nature trying to stop what Louis is about to do than a malignant force clomping through the woods.  Actually there's a moment in the book that parallels "The Shining" near-perfectly- but juxtaposes the adult-child

A tree falls down (is knocked over) in front of Louis on his trek to bury Gage.  It reads more as nature trying to stop what Louis is about to do than a malignant force clomping through the woods.  Actually there's a moment in the book that parallels "The Shining" near-perfectly- but juxtaposes the adult-child

I had no idea what I was walking into when I saw it.  When Gage died and I followed through on what had to happen, I wanted to leave.  I didn't want to see it.  But Zelda- that turned my bowels to water- she was hideous- horrifying just laying in her bed staring reptilian hate at her sister (you can practically smell

I had no idea what I was walking into when I saw it.  When Gage died and I followed through on what had to happen, I wanted to leave.  I didn't want to see it.  But Zelda- that turned my bowels to water- she was hideous- horrifying just laying in her bed staring reptilian hate at her sister (you can practically smell

It doesn't look kitschy now.  It looks terrifying now as it did then.  Its one of the few "Exorcist" style pastiches that are as frightening as the original (I brought this up in response to someone else, but I have to point it out again)- the thought of this malignant child-thing crouched in what should be a safe

It doesn't look kitschy now.  It looks terrifying now as it did then.  Its one of the few "Exorcist" style pastiches that are as frightening as the original (I brought this up in response to someone else, but I have to point it out again)- the thought of this malignant child-thing crouched in what should be a safe

I loved the idea of the Wendigo tramping around the woods both a guardian and something that wanted out… through the spoiled earth.  The movie hints at it but… well all things considered I think omitting it as a physical presence in the film was the right way to go- in the book though… yes Louis' treks through the

I loved the idea of the Wendigo tramping around the woods both a guardian and something that wanted out… through the spoiled earth.  The movie hints at it but… well all things considered I think omitting it as a physical presence in the film was the right way to go- in the book though… yes Louis' treks through the

Per everyone's comments here there are a number of things that lessen the punch of the novel- King's passages of Louis unearthing his son are gut-wrenching and I don't know the filmmaker with the balls to have shot the moment in the book where Louis opens Gage's coffin (after musing on how he (sub?)consciously chose a

Per everyone's comments here there are a number of things that lessen the punch of the novel- King's passages of Louis unearthing his son are gut-wrenching and I don't know the filmmaker with the balls to have shot the moment in the book where Louis opens Gage's coffin (after musing on how he (sub?)consciously chose a

He was great in the film.  I had no issues with his accent (believe me there are worse flaws to nitpick) and he brings a good blend of humor and appropriate pathos.

He was great in the film.  I had no issues with his accent (believe me there are worse flaws to nitpick) and he brings a good blend of humor and appropriate pathos.

Its a beautiful fight but my issue with how it goes down is that no other Superman versus Omega level opponent takes out the amount of property that Clark and Billy do when they kick the shit out of each other through Lexor City.    Clark pretty much does the same thing to Darkseid later on but miraculously keeps the

Its a beautiful fight but my issue with how it goes down is that no other Superman versus Omega level opponent takes out the amount of property that Clark and Billy do when they kick the shit out of each other through Lexor City.    Clark pretty much does the same thing to Darkseid later on but miraculously keeps the

Also remember that Shayera was instrumental in getting Wonder Woman to relax and try to enjoy being "human" (remember: "Don't knock it till you've  tried it"?)- this alien woman who adapts to Earth far better than Diana helped Diana transistion from her sheltered upbringing and they became friends- and Diana discovers