Marc Kandel

Also remember that Shayera was instrumental in getting Wonder Woman to relax and try to enjoy being "human" (remember: "Don't knock it till you've  tried it"?)- this alien woman who adapts to Earth far better than Diana helped Diana transistion from her sheltered upbringing and they became friends- and Diana discovers

The line was great.  The shit-eating grin and smile in Conroy's voice adding a rich layer of "That all you got?" to the proceedings made that my favorite part of  the entire "World's Finest" shebang.  Well, that and Batman grabbing Superman and flipping him into a wall while the thugs stand there slack-jawed.

The line was great.  The shit-eating grin and smile in Conroy's voice adding a rich layer of "That all you got?" to the proceedings made that my favorite part of  the entire "World's Finest" shebang.  Well, that and Batman grabbing Superman and flipping him into a wall while the thugs stand there slack-jawed.

This.  Right here.  Also, much as I enjoyed the article and its very specific thesis, I'd love to see an article on his claim to brilliance, "Glass Houses".

This.  Right here.  Also, much as I enjoyed the article and its very specific thesis, I'd love to see an article on his claim to brilliance, "Glass Houses".

"…speaking of Bill Murray, every time Road House is on and he or one of his idiot brothers are watching TV—and they’re always watching TV—one of them calls my husband and says [In a reasonable approximation of Carl Spackler], “Kelly’s having sex with Patrick Swayze right now. They’re doing it. He’s throwing her

"…speaking of Bill Murray, every time Road House is on and he or one of his idiot brothers are watching TV—and they’re always watching TV—one of them calls my husband and says [In a reasonable approximation of Carl Spackler], “Kelly’s having sex with Patrick Swayze right now. They’re doing it. He’s throwing her

My thoughts exactly.  With no Henremmasnowcharm this ep flew.  It was tight, compelling, poignant… watching the bad guys do a reversal and then have to deal with an onslaught of new bad guys with grudges is the best play here.  Everyone else can do their quests in the background.  I'd like that.  Just have Emma or

My thoughts exactly.  With no Henremmasnowcharm this ep flew.  It was tight, compelling, poignant… watching the bad guys do a reversal and then have to deal with an onslaught of new bad guys with grudges is the best play here.  Everyone else can do their quests in the background.  I'd like that.  Just have Emma or

Somewhere, Frank Welker grins and nods, then goes back to reading Futurama scripts, any single one of which makes more sense, is more artistically fulfilling, more entertaining, and simply better than any of the live-acton Transformers films (and let's face it, about 80% of the original TV series- honestly has anyone

Somewhere, Frank Welker grins and nods, then goes back to reading Futurama scripts, any single one of which makes more sense, is more artistically fulfilling, more entertaining, and simply better than any of the live-acton Transformers films (and let's face it, about 80% of the original TV series- honestly has anyone

Agree.  Sheldon is not Adrian Monk.  Also his compulsion to be better at everything (intellectually) than everyone else overrides all other concerns/phobias/comforts.  Also I'm sure at some point in Sheldon's country upbringing he's probably had to endure a pie-eating contest before.  Also:  The payoff for watching

Agree.  Sheldon is not Adrian Monk.  Also his compulsion to be better at everything (intellectually) than everyone else overrides all other concerns/phobias/comforts.  Also I'm sure at some point in Sheldon's country upbringing he's probably had to endure a pie-eating contest before.  Also:  The payoff for watching

In the comics Bruce's WayneTech and charitable organizations typically let him off the hook as he's at least had the wherewithal to  let someone like Lucius Fox competently manage his companies/holdings while he's out "partying", so people still see that even though he's not as engaged in these processes, he's doing

In the comics Bruce's WayneTech and charitable organizations typically let him off the hook as he's at least had the wherewithal to  let someone like Lucius Fox competently manage his companies/holdings while he's out "partying", so people still see that even though he's not as engaged in these processes, he's doing

Yep. When I think of this particular story, that's the "tale" I recall with perfect clarity… and don't want to.  Its funny, a lot of people in this discussion compare Gaiman with Moore, but its this story specifically that illustrates a good parallel between the two as Gaiman's villain going on a horror spree while

Yep. When I think of this particular story, that's the "tale" I recall with perfect clarity… and don't want to.  Its funny, a lot of people in this discussion compare Gaiman with Moore, but its this story specifically that illustrates a good parallel between the two as Gaiman's villain going on a horror spree while

I tried something new today. I wasn't planning on watching this episode- I don't hate the show, don't even dislike it as much as others- it just started not to matter to me.  So I read the review first.  Now I'm going to watch this episode.  Well done.

I tried something new today. I wasn't planning on watching this episode- I don't hate the show, don't even dislike it as much as others- it just started not to matter to me.  So I read the review first.  Now I'm going to watch this episode.  Well done.

As a father of triplets I was incredibly annoyed that Lily and Marshall have to apologize for taking themselves out of the nightlife in order to care for their child whilst getting a decent amount of rest… but I could have forgiven that had the episode presented its arguments with a bit more wit.  And man, do the