Prognosis Negative

The best parts except the ending. I want to see a Will Graham who knows he's already lost his wife and step-son to their past lives crawling into the woods to die because Dolarhyde attacks him first, leaving Molly to save her family. I want to see Crawford telling Molly that Will doesn't need to hear from "that

Have you read Red Dragon? As great as Manhunter is, I hope it gets a truly faithful adaptation someday. Despite claiming that its reason for existing was to be more faithul, Ratner's film messed up a lot and just wasn't very good regardless. Not even the show was willing to let Will Graham get his tragic ending.

I don't mean to answer for Han, but I suppose you could argue how the construct of the family is thoroughly explored in The Shining, along with a person's connection to society and how that can break down.

I really have to disagree. If for any reason, the cultural impact they both had. They've been ripped off countless times.

Lucifer or Rush?

Which other scenes were moved around?

At Wong Burger, when it's right…it's Wong! somecustomersmaygettheirdicksrippedoff

St. Valentine. Duh.

But which fictional child murderer do we get to spend Love Day with?

Of course it's related. They'll end up only playing one night, a private show for Danielle Radcliffe's birthday and the event will double as an album release party.

Because being FUCKING mysterious got to be too expensive.

Maybe seeing the ads all the time is what's turning you off, because that kind of "baaaaaaaaaaaaad" makes it seem like this is another The Comedians or Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.

I don't think Galifiankis would ever make "Hangover: The Series: Alan Goes to Clown College", even though he did add some of his own humour into the movie.

I'm a child of fastness and furiousness, give me a break.

I'm going to do Seinfeld Quote Generator's job here:

No, because it's on TV!

Take that back about Seinfeld Quote Generator!

I think that might be part of the gimmick.

Okay, David Lynch better go to Amazon Studios if/when he has the desire to make another film. But maybe if the Twin Peaks revival is successful enough(which it damn well will be), studios will go to him.

So, a sitcom.