
I loved "Jacob de Zoet" by the same author.

I totally agree with you. I gave "Freedom" a pretty good chance (a few hundred pages), but it was just not my cup of tea. What a pretentious title, too, for a book that is so concerned with trivial matters.

What about …
"The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet" by David Mitchell.

Dude I think you need to schedule yourself a session with Counselor Troi. You're starting to alarm the other members of the crew, er, Club.

That is possibly the worst idea for a Trek series ever. The only thing that could make it worse is if they made Seven of Nine his first officer and brought back Neelix to provide the comic relief.

Never really liked "Remember Me." It doesn't really do a good job of making it seem like there is ever any real sense of danger. Something strange is going on, but you know from the start that everything will have wrapped itself up nicely in the end, with the events of the past hour never to be mentioned again.

It was a cool episode and I don't think anyone could have predicted that ending. I remember hating that kid's father, though. I remember watching it and thinking how cool it would be for the Enterprise to have to teach this puny Neanderthal a lesson.

Just to clarify Mom is also a religious viewer of fine television fare such as "Maury Povich Show," "Cheaters," and "Sabato Gigante." So you guys might want to hold on the marriage proposals.

That movie rules so I don't mind if they want to show it all day, every day, for an entire year. Besides, it's not like you're missing anything else on TBS.

That is neither is fun nor a fact.

Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

BBC's sole justification for showing TNG episodes seems to be that they star the very British Patrick Stewart. You ever notice how their ads for that show completely center around him and how "quaint" some of his mannerisms must seem to hapless American viewers? Then again, BBC promos are pretty weird in general.

My mom watches (and loves) Fringe. That tells me all I need to know about that.

Love BBC America but they show the same damn Trek episodes over and over … the marathon might give you a good chance to catch up on any of those six or so that you missed. You should try to make a habit of staying away from Spike TV.

I don't care what anyone says …
I think Leonard is doing a pretty good job here. Especially considering that he's already drunk. I'd like to see Nathan pull that off!

Who is saying that too much is happening? I thought we were all in consensus that there needs to be more zombies.

It's interesting, I actually thought the idea of them walking back to camp, armed to the teeth and wary of imminent attack kind of points to what this show should be doing more of. Wouldn't it have been neat if the group of Merleventurers had been attacked on the way to camp … leaving the survivors there to fend for

Waaaay too little going on for a 6-episode series. If you're going to cut it so short, you have to make sure each episode is packed to the brim with character development and action. Pointless "Vatos" interludes and chats on the lake between B-level characters the viewer hardly cares about isn't the way to go.

How exactly would he "load" a bunch of zombies into the back of a van though? I think it was believably set up in the previous episode that the zombies were creeping closer to the camp. Besides the camp seemed overrun by too many to fit in that van, unless they were riding under, over, and in the front seat with

Yeah the dialogue is often hammy and the over-acting doesn't help. I don't think anyone would complain if there was LESS TALKING, MORE BRAIN-EATING.