Irregular Contributor

Look Out, Tom Riddle!

"Feet hurt. Gotta find me a good podiatrist"

And in the category of "Least impressive compliment ever received by Jesus" I'd like to nominate:
Just like Kathy Lee needs Regis
That's how I need Jesus

Snoop Dog… Tanqueray and tonic. Very tasty.

I went there because I am lazy and am irregular both in frequency of posting and quality of content and over the weekend also a little bit in the digestive sense but that seems to have passed.

I actually bought both FOTC albums first and am just now working my way through season one on dvd (just got done w/ep. 9). I'm a bit biased towards the album versions as a result, although boom king is worlds better on the show and I wish I hadn't heard leggy blonde at all before I saw that episode. I'm sure if I'd

Here's Mine
I will absolutely wear out a comedy CD just like I would something from a favorite band.

That is an issue.

Can't be any worse
than when I decided to "reboot" my running man/cabbage patch-ing days when the Saints got that big INT yesterday. Thank goodness I had the room to myself at the time.

Barely Breathing

Dave Chapelle had a line about that… What am I doing up here when two feet away is some perfectly good etc., etc.

Maybe Dunham could just smash his puppets with a mallet instead…

If you want some literary whiplash
try reading Gilead right after Oscar Wao like I did. From a very fast, pop culture and footnote laden book to something which really needed to be read slowly and deliberately.

Never let him slip
Cuz if he slips then he's slippin'.

If you think ass is boring my friend…
then I pity you…

This is why I don't make jokes about people who are high getting the munchies. Unfortunately, it's also why I can make so many ED jokes…

Pimp/Ho humor hasn't been funny since…
well, since South Park was in it's prime. It was nice not having the typical Butters parents crack down, though.

A plant? I thought men like you were usually called a fruit.
