
I haven't watched the show since like 2007, but IIRC that is sort of the premise for David Boreanaz's FBI agent character in Bones? Obviously, he doesn't solve the cases alone, but at least in the earlier seasons of that show, he was a counterpoint to the "off putting genius doing it alone" trope

Did you finish Empress Ki? I stopped about halfway through because things were getting way too melo for me and I've been burned too many times by korean dramas that go to shit in their second half.

I'm also hoping this is the direction the show goes…but you're right that they are going about introducing the character a strange way

I saw something about this version back in February/March (I have a shameful Korean drama addiction), but I haven't heard anything since. The actor they had rumored to play the "Brody" role, Kim Nam Gil, is really great, so I was tentatively excited…

I hope they stick with a little bit of history with Condé, since he would be a nice way to introduce the wars of religion and the Conspiracy of Amboise, which is the next big historical event coming up…but who knows if this show will be willing to show Mary and Francis having thousands of Protestants killed in their

not to mention that a quick IMDB search reveals that Diane Guerrero is actually NOT the lead on the show (although she's on it)…Jane is played by Gina Rodriguez… :/

yeah, unless they orchestrate a fatal romance between Mary and a sexy young Huguenot (à la Queen Margot), I don't see them going into the wars of religion. especially since there is the much sexier issue of wood-dwelling pagan human sacrificers to deal with, obviously

haha same. i'm so happy there's a show (albeit wildly inaccurate) about the Valois family, since i find them just as interesting if not more so than the over-exposed Tudors.

Yeah, I'd like to see some Diane vs. Catherine going on. I have a feeling that could be interesting, and explain a lot of the reason Catherine was the way she was

I second this…Les Revenants is wonderfully creepy and atmospheric…although after watching the first series, I'm afraid that a lot of the weird happenings are going to remain unexplained, Lost-style, which would be too bad
I haven't seen In the Flesh yet, so I can't say whether it's good or not, but they seem to be

Szabo does come back in season 3 right?

to be fair the voodoo guy and the guy eating his own shit were not even in the same season…