
I enjoyed the premiere very much. And I appreciate Dominic West and Ruth Wilson as fine actors. So… sorry to be OCD but could the director remind them to hold their forks like Americans? Because when they were sharing a meal, it was like "oh look, two Brits."

I liked the original title better. "Jurassic Park IV: Reptile Dysfunction."

I've always thought it was "taken in again." Am I delusional?

Yes, 11 years. Thank you for the math. Which makes Isis a REALLY old dog!

Karma police, arrest this man!

Also missing: "Images of Heaven" by Peter Godwin. Nice take on the melancholy part.

Also missing: "Images of Heaven" by Peter Godwin. Nice take on the melancholy part.

As for me, please go ahead and objectify my taint.

As for me, please go ahead and objectify my taint.