
His daddy

Except this movie was financed largely overseas but MADE right in the good ol' Yoo Ess of Ay. Specifically, the animation was done by Reel FX in Dallas, with some other work done in Maine. And the movie was written and recorded (and thus animated) in English. It was dubbed over for the Chinese version.

I caught this at the Rio Grind fest in Vancouver. It is fan-fucking-tastic.

I'll Never Tell is a delightful number and I will gladly take this outside with anyone who says otherwise.

Saw him live about 15 years ago or so. Still that serious.

"You cannot work stoned."

Best? oh not HARDLY.

Chicago. All these words are pronounced exactly the same.

Now I have to ask… where are all you freaky people who think 'cot' and 'caught' rhyme from!?

How? How is that possible?

if you think the AV Club is any darker than Spencer's Halloween section..

Well, I did watch it, and Ross' attitude toward them was neither punching up nor down, but basically doing his straight up 'bring an audience member on stage and stick it to them.' He called fat guys fat, he called weird looking guys weird looking, he called neo-nazis neo-nazis and made jew jokes at them.

You kids and your bottles.

I've found with a lot of this category of humor/writing, the less you actually KNOW about the author, the better it is. I recommend you browse through "Barrel Fever" (skip all the explicitly fictional stories. Stick to his stuff about himself and his family), then read "Naked" and "Me Talk Pretty One Day". Anything

My comment isn't the least bit ironic. I don't think I'm being smug, either. This sort of detached humor is notoriously difficult to pull off cinematically, and the potential for this to fly off the rails into "Running with Scissors" territory is high.

There's only two possible results of this:

Phillip Jose Farmer already went there with 'Venus on the Half-Shell'.

They are. With Johnny Depp in the lead.
Directed by Tim Burton.

pff. Amateurs.

Note the game is MASTERBINGO.