Richie Alpert and the Orchid S

Actually the Whig campaign of 1840 was building on, and taking to the next level, the innovations that their Democratic opponent, Martin Van Buren, had first developed in the campaigns he had managed for Andrew Jackson. Such as developing local clubs, bonfire/pig roast rallies, campaign songs, populist bull shit, etc.

Also Albany proper is just a bit under 100K, although it used to be at least 130K and it's in a metro area of around a million with a number of small to medium cities.

Hey a poison isa poison

Kevin James would play Blofeld…obv

That's the crux of my Moore-era defense. Ian Fleming was no John Le Carre. Bond is supposed to be a somewhat silly fun adventure. The Moore Era got that.

Even as one of the rare Moore-era defenders, I can't advocate for that film. Moore was never the most dynamic Bond, but by AVTAK it was painful watching this old geezer going about his role. It also wasted Walken and Grace Jones in undercooked villain roles.

Seriously, the best Bond girl. Ringo is one lucky bastard.

Well, Nebraska is clearly on the prowl tonight.

Or the Ontario Provincial Police

Wait till they find out every last lady is down with it.

Instain woman!

Hopefully he doesn't get busted by Peppa Pig.

Oh baaaaahby I like it raw

Manic Sheep Tweakers

Wasn't St Patrick Welsh?

Kevin was indeed an ass, but I thought Norbert Leo Butz did a great job in the role. I also like saying Norbert Leo Butz.

I thought it was funny how they actually had to age her up to look her age on Mad Men and on Bloodline she's back to looking 10-15 years younger than IRL.

Coach Taylor, Lindsay Weir and Chloe Sevigny being haunted by ghost Mendelsohn against spectacular Keys scenery merits a watch in my opinion even if logic says a second season isn't needed.

Yeah as much as I agree with the consensus that this would have worked best as a one and done, i'll give season 2 a shot for the great cast and the spectacular cinematography alone. I binged season 1 just before (and long after I had booked) a short trip to Fort Lauderdale. Made me mutter "I picked the wrong place in

If I did that, I'd likely have an epic tome of dashes.