Smartypants McKnowsitall

Salo was disgusting? I thought it were quaint. HC is on PPV right now, but I also have Taxidermy on Netflix…hmmmm…incisions incisions.

@Evan Waters…Thank you! That's probably the only acceptable thing she's EVER done.

Now now…I'm sure there's many a damsel's hand sporting a LOTR ring and a wedding video full of hobbits out there.

I am living proof that if you don't ever change your style, you will be "in style" at least twice in your lifetime…maybe more…something something stopped clock…something.

I thought Jimmy Eat World was some other subgenre of punk…steam or locomotive punk or some such shit?

No way he is as cool as Ziggy, and Ziggy was annoying. Davis is a sideliner with an attitude…a band fag without a band.

The only things good about this show are Wendell Pierce and Clare Peters and their story lines. I like Steve Zahn but his character, and the other two 20-30 something "buskers", make me wish they would get caught up in a hurricane of cancer aids. If I hear Davis say "my fucking city" one more time I will drive to NOLA

Stevie Wonder…not blind…bible truth.

Who the fuck is Joni Mitchell?

or rather kids who dishonor their parents, but who can tell any more, am I right?!

That's for kids who dishonor their children…oh wait, that's Christianity….my bad.

I think it ironic that these so-called men of god have no problem with threatening and/or carrying out murder, but they shit themselves if someone draws a funny picture of their prophet. Well, what do you expect from an organized relision, huh? Specifically one that has a "house of war".

Rand? Rand? Where do I know that name from? Oh yeah, didn't she put out all those map books with the Scottish dude?

Wasn't that done already…Surreal Life or something?

I briefly thought this was going to be about West Virginia for some reason and that vaguely interested me. There's a reality show….hangin in the Appalachians…I think they should send the Jersey Shore folks there.

Who the fuck is Elizabeth Berkely?

Wait, what?!
"Skyler's in total surrender mode. And Walter, that devious son of a bitch, knows instinctively how to knife her in the back while she's walking away."

I would add the Dead Kennedys as well to that mix Sheltie and Warren…and Salad Days fucking rules! That and Waiting Room (I know…Fugazi…still Ian though). I think that while the Ramones may have turned me down that path, those bands and a few others (Circle Jerks, TSOL, Bad Brains) pulled me into the Hardcore scene. I

I never liked hair bands, but I thought it was great to see something cool come to mainstream…and then I was sad that it had.

Music: When I was about 10 I bought my first three albums with my own money; An Elvis double album (jumpsuit era elvis; CC Rider Elvis), The Beatles red double, and Blondie's Eat to the Beat. Not revolutory choices, but they were mine, dammit! MINE! And the Ramones as they were my intro to punk/alternative.