"Rock and Roll"
"Rock and Roll"
Her flaws are her most compelling traits. I haven't seen a character like this on TV in some time — willing to throw herself at her "boyfriend" for wild sex, just to get him to stop asking questions, willing to steal from her dead twin in hopes of improving her life, willing to blackmail her psychiatrist… All great…
Sassy gay friends are the female relationship equivalent of the manic pixie dream girl in male relationships, and that's why they're typically so damned annoying.
Yes, because what's cooler than a gay comic book reader. Heck, when I was in college, supporting a six-title-a-week comic habit, I don't know how I kept all of the women at bay.
That was it. Here's the Wikipedia entry on him.
I don't remember which of the books it was in, but there was a beautifully tragic passage in one of them where Taran had picked up a wise, handsome, competent friend. The only catch, the friend knew he was destined to die soon. Before he dies, the friend gives Taran a magical pin that enhances his intelligence and…
Nope, they aired it much as you described it. I'd assumed that she was making a joke and then turning that into a joke about celebrity breakdowns, but it wasn't comfortable to watch.
The tv show had to be edited down and cleaned up (significantly fewer scenes involving underage male sex servants) but it's pretty faithful to the book otherwise. The cast was very good, and the production values were tremendous.
In blackface?
I remember being very disappointed as a horny young boy by watching Shogun. The commercials clearly showed Chamberlain putting a cape over a naked woman who was covering up her breasts with her hands. But when the scene happened in the show, there was no magical second where she moved her hands to accept the cape,…
This column feels like a weird time warp to me… in a good way.
Of Monsters And Men's "My Head is an Animal" is a fucking awesome album. They're easily the best Icelandic band since the Sugarcubes (okay, not much competition, but still).
Never was a Bush fan (read that as you may). But in 2004, I went to the record store on opening day to pick up Skinny Puppy's "The Greater Wrong of the Right." I popped it into the CD player at home, cranked it up to 11, and heard "Everything Zen," pound out of my speakers.
Ohm my.
That one's simple. She told Caesar that she'd tell Crassus that Tiberius raped her. That would lead to Tiberius getting his balls fed to him by his father and Caesar would take command.
Hold on a second… imagining the conception… yeah, I'm not getting any more work done today.
Agree a vote should have been cast elsewhere for entertainment, but I disagree on Phillip's performance.
It was a shoe-in for best picture from the second it got green-lit by a studio. This movie could have been made with a cell-phone camera by middle school students and it would have won the Oscar.
Dang @avclub-bfe0c503dd1d6ab3fd4d3ed2af9bb66e:disqus you made me look that one up.
I saw Trainspotting multiple times in the theater during my final months in college, and I was well out of dorms by then, so no posters. Lots of Rush album covers, a Blues Brothers poster and a picture of Stevie Ray Vaughan that I cut out of a Guitar magazine.