Oddly enough, I spent Wednesday night, on though much of the day Thursday reinstalling Windows 7 on my home PC after some nasty blue-screen crashes.
Oddly enough, I spent Wednesday night, on though much of the day Thursday reinstalling Windows 7 on my home PC after some nasty blue-screen crashes.
With just enough Dr. Phil mixed in to make him unique. My favorite exchange was when he was negotiating with the Building 7 folks, and Nina began predicting his dialog, based on how much therapy-speak she'd gotten from him over the years.
With just enough Dr. Phil mixed in to make him unique. My favorite exchange was when he was negotiating with the Building 7 folks, and Nina began predicting his dialog, based on how much therapy-speak she'd gotten from him over the years.
And wash your hands thoroughly after handling jalapenos or other hot peppers before masturbating.
And wash your hands thoroughly after handling jalapenos or other hot peppers before masturbating.
Rhonda would disagree.
Rhonda would disagree.
Well, to defend plushies… many of us have had strong affections for the stuffed animals we grew up with. They provided us comfort when things were bad, they were friends to share news with when things were good. Making the leap from confidant to lover is a tough one, but is it really that much harder for a stuffed…
Well, to defend plushies… many of us have had strong affections for the stuffed animals we grew up with. They provided us comfort when things were bad, they were friends to share news with when things were good. Making the leap from confidant to lover is a tough one, but is it really that much harder for a stuffed…
Bear from Wilfred… although in fairness to Bear, that relationship does appear to be consensual.
Bear from Wilfred… although in fairness to Bear, that relationship does appear to be consensual.
Build-A-Bear sells home bear-creation kits (not a plushie, have a child who received a kit as a birthday present… yeah, that's it). I'm guessing some plushies are stuffing their bears with more than pillow fluff and the felt hearts that come in the kit.
Build-A-Bear sells home bear-creation kits (not a plushie, have a child who received a kit as a birthday present… yeah, that's it). I'm guessing some plushies are stuffing their bears with more than pillow fluff and the felt hearts that come in the kit.
Reading web sites as a teenager?
Reading web sites as a teenager?
You wouldn't ask Mike Tyson that question…. or Tom Petty.
You wouldn't ask Mike Tyson that question…. or Tom Petty.
What I loved about the line was the way the salesman reacted. The guy never really seemed to want to sell a bike to Louie. When Louie said he had kids and could do something that crazy, the salesman shrugged and started walking away. When Louie asked about the danger, the guy didn't pull any punches.
What I loved about the line was the way the salesman reacted. The guy never really seemed to want to sell a bike to Louie. When Louie said he had kids and could do something that crazy, the salesman shrugged and started walking away. When Louie asked about the danger, the guy didn't pull any punches.
You were 4 in 1992? The underwear I have on is older than you… although in your defense, I stopped buying new sets of briefs some time in the late 1970s.