Poor Poor Bob

Before Cloudy Foggy English Day in which It's Impossible to Tell if the Sun is  Rising or Setting?

I'm expecting some hard-core character assassination this week. If Kane can't kill the message, he'll take on the messenger. If Reyes has any skeletons in her closet, they'll find them. Then, they'll march out other members of her study committee who will say the exact opposite and claim that Reyes was a disturbed

At my last job, three.
Yes, I found out the hard way.

Brian Heidik still gets my vote for best strategist ever. The game he played in Season 5 set the strategy that Boston Rob used last season. He masterfully played every aspect of the game — keeping his alliance members happy, winning challenges and manipulating the hell out of everyone.

My wife hasn't been watching this season, but she sat through the final 20 minutes with me last night. She asked who the hairy guy on the end was. I told her his name is Rick and he's spoken less than a dozen words through the entire season.

In my defense, I didn't say all of the women at the show fell asleep… just the one. It really stood out for me because it was a loud show. Sleeping through it took a massive act of will (or she was legally deaf, either way, a poor choice for a concert companion).

I was at Rush's show in Cleveland this year that's the scene for their new DVD. Great, sold-out show. Three rows ahead of me, a guy spent the entire concert rocking out like crazy. His girlfriend never stood up, and she started dozing off about halfway through. Great use of $150 on her ticket dude.

I'd make an argument for "Presto" as a forgotten great album. "Available Light" mixes chants, great drum lines, killer guitar licks and the best use of Geddy's high range in years. "Hand over Fist" has a great, slow-tempo vibe to it as well.

Heading into a Rush concert about 15 years ago, I asked my friends, "Which of you are dreamers and which ones are misfits?"

I always thought of Spawn as a crappy character, but in that crossover book, Miller made the caped crusader significantly less likable than the former special ops murderer turned hitman for the devil.

I bought the game on Sunday. By then, Gamestop was releasing the pre-orders that hadn't been picked up. 

Last week, I assumed that the U-turn devices were iPads, and I was wondering why an obvious sponsor wasn't being called out. This week, we saw them again, so it was clear that someone had paid TAR to use their devices as a promo. At one point, the camera zoomed in, and everything became clear. Those were HP Touchpads,

What got me was how easy the bunny task was compared to making butter. Bill and Cathi finished their bunny run fast enough to still come in second, and Marcus and Amani definitely chose the faster task. I understand the reluctance about working with animals, but come on. Everyone knows that bunnies like to hop.

I liked Park getting aggressive with the hooker. She's got a lot more going on around the edges than Joan of Arcadia had last season. Plus it gave Taub the great straight line of "Just how old do you think I am?"

If they leave me in this room any longer, I'll kill the other five chefs to get that coat. For some reason, that makes me want to eat at his restaurants more, but not ask what it is that I'm eating.

I wouldn't count him out quite yet. The guy knows how to read people and use what little power he's had in the game.

Yeah. We now know that Roland Emmerich wrote Shakespeare's plays.

Now if only he'd played the preacher in Footloose wit h the same voice… That's a movie that would be worth seeing again.

The final moments contained some drama, but there's still not enough separation between the teams when it comes to finishing tasks. You could argue that it's because they're evenly matched, but I'd counter that the challenges have been poorly designed.