
lol, changed it.

Lol! Love Stephen's tweet about the difference in music.

Yes! But he there's a lot of hate hailed at him because of how heavy handed his editing was in Fans Vs. Favorites 2.

Things I shouted at Monica while watching this episode:

Yes! Especially because she looked very smug before the blindside!

Uhm YES.

I think Dan is getting the winner's edit…in the Survivor: Worst Human Being Ever. It's a tight race between Dan and Will though so let's see.

1. The pagonging continues but what a tribal council! I hope the reveal of Dan's position in the alliance of six pays off for Mike.
2. Say what you will about Mike, but boy, does he do everything with passion. That boy knows how to commit.
3. Dan started becoming a decent human being then he go to his "HOWEVER"


I disagree. I think this season has been great. Mostly because I enjoy how hard Mike is playing. But I may be in the minority alliance.