
That would at least explain how she knew so much about John and his boner two bones.

We love you too, man. Raslak's on me.

Do NOT eat the dentic.

Oh, I was totally pumped for the next season after this episode It was a major "what the fuck" moment and I watched those last few minutes multiple times (why is that crazy witch woman biting Jool's EAR?). The way the cliffhanger resolved is what tempered my enthusiasm a bit.

Join us in commenting on Season 4! Resistance is futile! Wait, wrong show…

Why is Season 4 the worst? All the damn pun titles.

Excellent. I bought the series DVDs on the cheep but haven't watched any of them yet. This gives me a reason and a place for intelligent discussion. I didn't know this was coming, so it will be a couple of weeks before I catch up and start commenting regularly (I know, you're all heartbroken).

I actually really like how she's introduced here and it's just later developments that feel a little off. He interaction with Reljik is great — sure, the cleavage and sex appeal are part of why he'll do what she asks, but she also remembers who he is, makes him feel important, gives clear orders with which he agrees,

They hadn't tossed in a Road Warrior homage in a while, so it felt appropriate.

Going into the prequels, we were all far too trusting.

Alasdair, you have outdone yourself sir. There's not much left to say, but two quick thoughts:

The idea that she seduced her way to the top is all sorts of problematic, but I've groused about Farscape's occasional failings when it comes to women enough, so I'll let it be.

Brilliant post as usual. It's funny: as a choral singer who has done a *lot* of Requiems and even wrote a paper on 20th-century settings, I'm sort of over them being used in shows when things get Serious and Portentous. Maybe it's because I sympathize with the singers who have to learn choppy, ooh and ahh special

It definitely feels like recycling the end of S1, with another big bad Peacekeeper making the former big bad Peacekeeper a little more sympathetic and opening the door for him to join our heroes later on.

I'm a fan of next week's "Really John, how did you think this would end?" No idea why, but that pops into my head pretty often.

Bring back Lou Welch!

Did he say "making fuck"?

I thought that too, but had the decency to not mention it, you monster.

So if B5 is future history, Season 5 is the Annales School version? I like that.

You're right: Jerry Doyle doing Minority Report would not have been good. But we did get little shots of Sheridan looking haggard and going through stacks of tablets, Delenn wrapping up meetings with other ambassadors, and Franklin being busy in MedLab. When we only see Garibaldi's leisure time, the show then has to