No no, it was Adric and the Cybermen.
No no, it was Adric and the Cybermen.
Kirk usually went back to his quarters before he "grabbed his yeoman." Usually.
The staging doesn't help either. Having a character facing away from the person he's talking to is done a lot for effect, but it's unrealistic enough to pull me out of the scene in this case.
I'm with you. As Rowan points out, Delenn's decision looks really easy when the "one life" is Sheridan's. What if it had been Lennier? Or Londo? Or some random purple Drazi?
She was probably puttin' on the foil under those gloves, too.
Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.
It made a tiny bit of sense in Boyle's Sunshine, but still…
Do you like Kosh? Well now you get to see Kosh as a little boy! He doesn't get that new encounter suit he wants, and he's very sad.
@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus I'm glad someone brought this up. I remember reading "The Ultra Secret" and some book about how FDR let Pearl Harbor happen. In retrospect, my Dad had some strange books in his bookcase.
And Zack doesn't pick up on it AT ALL. Yeah, OK, big story about someone letting people die to keep a secret, then you see/hear something weird in the cell, then you suddenly have me release the guy. But I'm sure none of that is connected.
I'm Suming! I'm Suming!
That's…good advice! The latter part won't come in handy (heh) just yet, but I'll keep it in mind.
@avclub-12f73080e04ce0d8e95defb577ebc3f4:disqus Yeah, this is definitely a get-to-know-you encounter. A cake date. Except just having the cake, not eating it (phrasing!). Certainly no icing or…you're right, that is a shitty metaphor.
My mother? Lemme tell you about my mother.
From what I know of her, I really will be interested in what she has to say. OK, I can do this.
Hey Dickface,
"She just doesn't understand me the way you do."
Hey, speaking of not having had sex for a while…I mean, um, completely unrelated to your comment…