
Hey, they could just de-demote Ernie Hudson, give him back all the bits they gave to Bill Murray in the first one.

Yeah, I'm still of two minds about it. I have absolutely had big moments in movies ruined by other people's bizarre and inappropriate reactions, so I'm sympathetic to that. I guess all I can say in my (& my friends') defense is that I can't imagine seeing the Final Destination movies and expecting to be terrified.

Etiquette question
A group of friends and I went to see Final Destination 3. There were about 8 of us, and about 4 other people in the theater at the matinee. We weren't talking, but we were laughing uncontrollably at what is, I contend, an intentionally ridiculous movie. One of the other patrons complained to the

I really can't disagree more that the original Iron Man felt manufactured. I'll grant you the visual style was fairly straightforward, but committing the majority of your summer blockbuster to watching Robert Downey Jr. improv and test equipment is really not the kind of thing most audiences expect. It

Shameless self-promotion
My friends and I subjected ourselves to this for our podcast, and I want to get SOMEthing out of it, other than broken friendships: http://movingpicturespodcas…

Oo-vuh, actually.

I've never posted before but…
I really can't understand how you didn't despise this movie. To say that it's provocative is like saying monkeys throwing their own feces are provocative. Is it something people enjoy? No. Is it something that makes you angry or makes you think? Well, hopefully not. They're in a