
You're right, it totally is.

Louis C.K. playing Helen Steeply made me laugh out loud

Everyone in this thread and in the comment section as a whole seems to assume that the storm at the end is real. I think the more interesting interpretation is that it's just another dream of his. That makes more sense to me thematically.

This thread will be a sign to posterity of the greatness of Breaking Bad, and I would like to add my name to this long and distinguished list of worthy commenters, saying with one voice: HOLY SHIT!

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes….

Never go full Boy Scout

I immediately got excited when I saw that, and then I was confused by the C+

Do people really use colons for the meaning in the video? I think it's more the domain of the hashtag, which's become its own thing entirely.

I was told to always pick C

I really meant fun.

One of those things is not like the other, one of those things does not belong…

Bravo on the perfect characterization of parking in Philly. Bravo, I say!

This. I better be seeing more of this around.

I went to see Dylan and while i certainly appreciate his art, it was not enjoyable. I blame this mostly on the venue: the fact that I was way far away and sitting down made it seem like I was, as you say, watching "a museum exhibit."

"There is a kind of constant hyperbolic pitch that maintains itself in their speech, and their interactions consist often of a sustained string of ironic utterances that dissolve into total negation." - Wampole in an interview. 
This woman has the strangest metaphors.

"There is a kind of constant hyperbolic pitch that maintains itself in their speech, and their interactions consist often of a sustained string of ironic utterances that dissolve into total negation." - Wampole in an interview. 
This woman has the strangest metaphors.

Reading A.V. Club comment threads amuses me to no end. You guys can get on the Hate Train for anybody.

Reading A.V. Club comment threads amuses me to no end. You guys can get on the Hate Train for anybody.