
How did I forget that Gretchen was given that burner earlier in the season? First clue that some shady shit wasn't going on.

am i the only person who remembers whatever the hell that troll sketch was supposed to be?

thanks to the AV Club for teaching me to pay attention to direction. i realized Skinner was definitely the killer by the way the scene with him picking up his daughter was shot. the scene right before is when Adrian sees the car following him and the driver is obscured by the reflection in the windshield. in a few of

which is a nice little call back to Linden's explanation of adrenaline's effects to Seward when he was getting closer and closer the execution.

You totally don't need to suffer through those first two seasons to enjoy this one.

I believe that's they guy they convinced the girl to give up in the previous scene. The one with the little girl. So, it turns out the mom is dating the dude who makes the kiddie porn.

please, let's not forget the bizarre fact that they had a cartoon on PBS.

please, let's not forget the bizarre fact that they had a cartoon on PBS.

Michael Haneke gets in some trouble for stuff like this. The Seventh Continent (aquarium of fish), Time of the Wolf (a horse), and Cache (a chicken). Benny's Video shows a pig getting killed, but it's footage from a video not made directly for the movie.

a great point. this has also bothered me pretty much the whole show.

YOU JUST BLEW MY MIND. 4 seasons of SOA and i never realized he was the blonde dude from Undeclared. i feel so… stupid.

ah shit. another sawbuck gamer. looks like no work shall be done today.
and i had such high hopes.

maybe i missed someone mentioning it during the episode, but where the hell was Opie for all of this?

morgan murphy as an art teacher for the mentally ill!! poyfect!