the Hidden Frog

errm, that or temporal lobe epilepsy. asI have at temporal lobe injury I feel obliged to mention it. (one theory [current or old?] said that van Gogh had temporal lobe seizures.)

yes to nutjob and yes to Scientologist. (reportedly a very important Scientology in the hierarchy.) and Scientologists do indeed think of psychiatry as bad, as per church teachings.

I actually now regret the examples that I used. I could have used more serious examples, like loss of work, after-effects of violent attacks.

yeah. everything has to "mean" something and it has to mean something specific and always intentional and never arbitrary. everything a metaphor. every metaphor specific in its meaning.

whereas we do not feel distress over our weight, overly loud music, crappy episode of DOCTOR WHO this week…? we all do. if you codify those anxieties you come up with the DSM, your handy guide to why you need to take some pills to take the edge off.

how about the excluded middle? the one between "take meds for the LOLS" on the one hand and spontaneously combust in the street if you do not take it on the other. one fifth of adults in the US take meds as of now. (figure does not include those who took it and no longer took it.) that to me looks like indiscriminate

whereas I loved that the story cast doubt on meds.

growing up in the late '70's treasured *Doctor Who* over *Star Trek* reruns because it gave me concepts just above my intellectual grasp. no other series challenged me (a by-no-means dumb child) in that way.

Buddhism need not have theistic elements. though, obviously, many varieties of it do.

she referred to the current Doctor as her "boyfriend"… best not to dwell on it.

he has said in a Reddit AMA that he would decline the offer. (too much responsibility.)

they had originally conceived as the TARDIS shrinks story as the first story, period.

he also arguably allows one of the expedition members to die by electrocution so that they can have access to the Cybertombs.

that particular story works best in extended "movie" format, though, IMO. (they mess up the dialogue at the end, though.)

it really only matters that it seems to make sense and hang together while you watch it, without the mental interruption which comes from doubting it.

while on the subject, I can easily imagine if this as McCoy/Ace story, especially their last scene character interaction. (something I had not realized until that scene.)

Lalla Ward reads hate mail.

it sounds dumb out of context. in context it worked.

Christopher H. Bidmead?

it does. but as noted elsewhere, the execution redeems it.