thomasrhys:Thank you for your support!
thomasrhys:Thank you for your support!
I don't know if anyone will ever see this, but here goes…
H. Maddas:
Wow - this reminds me of all the grousing about Giancarlo Esposito's supposedly bad Chilean accent in Breaking Bad
If it had been one of the earlier Bobbys in that scene, THEY would not have gotten ink all over the place.
I think we are meant to read Megan as a 'good person' with her head on straight, and as such that her parents must not be ALL bad to have raised such a level-headed girl.
Considering Canadians (both french & english speaking) have universal health care - they have it all over Americans, a majority of whom out of pure ignorance and laziness allow big health insurers to rule this country.
Joan isn't getting in a 'dig' at Peggy, she has no doubt seen her entire wardrobe and is giving her good advice in a diplomatic way.
Nicely argued, but I disagree that Peggy is 'excited' by the prospect of moving in with Abe (as opposed to his proposing marriage to her)
I think this season TGW has had some of its best individual episodes, but there have been ups and downs.
Don't know if you'll see this Boojum, but thanks for that, beautifully put - while I love the movie/s I don't remember them in as much detail as you!
This episode makes me think how much the show has changed from season 1 - where if Leslie was in the same situation she would have insisted on going after Mike - but would have said the wrong thing and alienated everyone (and never would have snagged herself a cute boyfriend/campaign manager either).
I HATE those L&O shows, so I appreciated their whole schtick being made fun of on Community, but in and of itself it was kind of light-weight compared to the top episodes.
I enjoyed Community tonight but don't think that was one of its 'great' episodes either.
What's funny/terrifying is that Perd is a true reflection of what 97% of TV news has become. Americans are not nearly alarmed enough about this as they should be.
The looks on the faces of Leslie & co. to that offer were hilarious - perfect capper for a great show.
I love Andy's character and he's funny and all, but if THAT is what passes for 'physical comedy genius' then these are dark days indeed for physical comedy.
Perturbed Prince
Two words: