
I just saw some of the X Factor for the first time last night - I was surprised at how bad it is.

The fact that Morgan still has ANY job considering he's tied into the ongoing Rupert Murdoch scandal tells you something about the people who own CNN and ABC (and the rest of the mainstream media).

No contest, considering that Hoover had a hell of a lot more power.

That all depends.

Sounds like a homage to Psycho.


I have never listened to the tapes, but somehow I get the feeling Nixon was probably pretty free with that term.


Until "In Bruges" I felt that while Colin Farrell was not a 'bad' actor per se, he seemed like some sort of black hole who sucked energy out of films instead of providing a certain jolt of vitality a 'star'  is expected to bring with them (Ryan Gosling seems to be the latest example of this - I am still on the fence

I had such high hopes for Von Trier after seeing Zentropa in the early 90's - it had such visual inventiveness and flair I thought he had the potential to be the second coming of Orson Welles (my ideal where it comes to a certain kind of baroque visual panache).

There seems to be some sort of connection between closet cases and the highest echelons of political/corporatist/military power, but none of them are willing to verify this for me.

So JEH is truly THE ghost in the machine, eh?

I am going to have to see this no matter what, but if it portrays that guy as anything but essentially evil, I'm going to be pissed off.

I don't think there is yet any better media to create a long-lasting color 'record' of something than multi-strip technicolor.

I'm sorry, but that is just incredibly stupid.

Lots of PBS shows are viewable on their website.

Not to defend brutal dictators  like Assad,  but PBS spends so much time on shows relating to the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis, it would be nice if Frontline devoted an hour or  two to actual hard-edged reporting about "democracy" in name only, Israel.

I feel sorry for people who live in places where chain-restaurant pizza is the only option.

I'd like to suggest that all the GOP candidates quit as a group, except unlike most Republicans, I believe in a 2-party system.

Phony Pope