
Emmerich also made that retarded Revolutionary War film 'The Patriot"  with Mel Gibson, no?

Jesus Fucking Christ

Most of Shakespeare's 'history plays' were not about Elizabeth's "line" (the Tudors), but of the line that lost power (Edward III) the two factions who fought for power in his wake, neither of whom were able to hold the throne for very long and whose failures Shakespeare makes note of more or less.

This movie could be Citizen Kane and I would refuse to see it - cause these Shakespeare-deniers are a bunch of blind elitist assholes and I'm not going to put money in their pockets.

I don't think there can be any doubt Goethe was familiar with and had at least read Dr. Faustus (maybe there is actual documentation of this, I don't know).

There really isn't much of a divide in acting styles across the world.

Tom S:

I'm glad you brought up Lubitsch, I forgot about him when I was writing about how Germans are usually not very good with comedies.

I don't think 3D will ultimately pan out as a standard method of projecting films - while we live our lives in 3D, I believe our visual perception is much closer to 2D.

One of the greatest things a college professor of mine ever did was this:

By the time Metropolis was made, 'big' melodramatic acting with lots of flourishes was a thing of the past and would have been ordinarily laughed at.

There is some bafflingly stupid, out-of-left-field lowbrow humor in Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus" - so maybe these interludes are in reference to that.

Thanks for giving a heads up to this great film.

You would think with all the supposed geniuses at Harvard, instead of being repeatedly dumbfounded by Zuckerberg's behavior somebody would have said, "hey, that guy has Aspergers - he should get some behavioral therapy".

I  I just read that Tim Kring who created Heroes and then ran it into the ground has a new show coming out in a few months.

Eh, I boil down "Studio 60" to these 2 things:

OK - so I just saw this movie.

I actually watched this whole episode.

How come when the rich bleeds the middle class dry its "entrepreneurial spirit" but when the middle class tries to get some of that money back its 'class warfare"?

Hmmm - how to deal with the gay angle…