The Mad Hater

Harry Morgan, still alive and he was old on Dragnet.

with all that cash, that's the best he can do? They should at least go for Cloony. Have you seen the tail he gets?

An interview with any of the priciples will make all this talk irrelevant.

Vince Vaughn's agent is on line one.

The results are sexy!

Fringe has been amazing. John Noble and Anna Torv have done some incredible acting playing both parts they were given. They both have earned awards consideration. The scene where she confronts Peter in Marionette in which he should have known the alternate Oliva was not her was heartbreaking. And, yeah, the move to

Bored to Death
I know opinion is split around here for this show. But it has really blossomed this year. Ted Danson played some serious notes with the cancer storyline. "I've been living like a demented god" was one of the funniest moments on television, IMFHFO.

I actually thought the Pitt impression was spot too. I'm not sure why it's getting so bagged on here. One of the few bright spots for me.

This was the first episode I watched in about three years. The format you describe was the same then as now. There has been now improvement in quality.